Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

Don’t even start with the enterprise bs please 😭

I joke i joke, clearly bae america

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Kill you!

Italy needs this

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Jordanian M60 modified with a 120mm turret, IDEX 1999.


I think only Hungary i.e. Italy is going to get the Lynx 120 (like the KF41 Lynx) and the KF51 Panther as well. Germanys Bundeswehr / Government has no intent to use or even build those and its all done in and used by Hungary.

The Lynx 120 was also only tested by Hungary in i think 2022 and Hungary also the only one who said they want to use it (at least according to an German Article on it)

And yes i know it is dumb but well Gaijin decided to put Hungary into Italys Tree and Germany isn’t using them nor plans to do so theres that

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Israeli Magach Marksman, 1988
Magach 3 with the Marconi’s Marksman turret with two 35mm KDA autocannons


Barrel launched fire and forget ATGMs for Israel and Russia


3UBK25 Sokol


1 - IR homing head; 2 - warhead; 3 - engine; 4 - docking unit;
5 - wing; 6 - steering wheel; 7 - drive unit; 8 - pallet dumping mechanism;
9 - radiation receiver; 10 - inductor sleeve

I don’t think Lynx 120 was ever tested by any Nation … can you provide a link for the Hungarian test?
Hungary intends to induct the KF-51 EVO (a downgraded KF-51 Panther) for its army. The prototype hasn’t even been finalized yet. But yes, whenever the vehicle gets introduced in real life, Gaijin can decide to add it in the Hungarian sub tree.
Whereas Germany(Rheinmetall AG) is the designer and manufacturer of the KF-41 Lynx, Lynx-120 and KF-51 Panther. So of course, Germany gets to keep them in its tech tree. When these gets added to the German TT is up to Gaijin and if used/ordered by other nation should not influence that decision.
A lot of in-game German TT vehicles were never used by Bundeswehr, that didn’t stop Gaijin from adding them to the German TT. Even vehicles used by a nation in another continent!


“never had” try, “never built.” the yak-141 as it is in game was never actually built. two prototypes were built with half of the planned components in each one. a ‘final’ one you see in game was planned but they ran out of money.

so naturally, no, the US can’t have this aircraft.


suprised it hasn’t been talked about : Challenger 2 Medusa


Because its brings nothing to the table sadly


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what? this isn’t even american

it is an israeli prototype jet that flew and underwent extensive testing

Its unique and interesting, that’s all a vehicle needs to be.

11.3 i guess for it then

Big question is does it have the 1500HP engine, it is a fairly recent mod.

doubt it

Gimme that Namer IFV Merkava chassis Chad
And beautiful Sholef variants
(They better give the Sholef its ~6.66 second reload, laser rangefinder, and beautiful thermals/commander sight. Oh and presumably has a extremely high turret traverse and elevation speeds unlike other self propelled artillery pieces so it’s gonna be nutty with that Merkava chassis as well)

Make Israel Ground forces great again hahaha!!