Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)


I would love to see them all together in the game, the F-16 and its kids ))))

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Yea more f-16s will never be a bad thing in my eyes (as long as they are balanced)

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Makes you realize how small the FA-50 is

Totally depends on Gaijin’s internal roadmap (which changes a lot, as has been seen)

Merkavas & Magach were given to US. Not 1 or 2 … but 4! Only to get a proper Israeli TT later.
Same happened with UK’s Swedish Strv and the Chinese vehicles in US & USSR tree.
And recently UK got the T-90 Bhishma as well.

I’ve been seeing multiple suggestions recently for a Polish TT in WT. On the other hand, Gaijin already added Leopard 2PL to Germany. (The Indonesian Leopard 2RI could’ve been a better candidate for that now, don’t it?)

So … what I ask is, instead of doing a T-72M2 Moderna again for USSR i.e adding a Soviet vehicle mod from a nation with a tree/sub-tree potential, instead add from minor nations, as @Mahiwew states. Like the T-72AV TURMS-T.
In simpler terms: don’t add Slovenian M-55S or Polish PT-91 or Czech T-72M4CZ etc to USSR in future, instead add Iraqi T-55 Enigma or Belarusian T-72BM2.

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man if only 😔
4x 13.2 mm + 4x 20 mm
680 kph
and allat in a pre-war design

we soviet mains need these to go through leopard 2’s UFPs

KAI TA-50 Block I (LIFT) very good strike aircraft 11.0 in rank 7 but without FLIR pod

FA-50 Block 10 great strike aircraft 12.0 BR at rank 8

I want to see XF-2A Prototype & F-2A Early for Japan tech tree this year

I guess after F-16C Block 50 it might be F-16CM Block 50 or Block 52 to rank 8 or rank 9

These Swedish tested and some used vehicles.

These include,
Sherman VC
Churchhill III
Panther A
Terrängbil m/42
PBV 302 with Mauser cannon
Strf 9040 prototype (IKV 90 hull)
Alvis Stormer
Strv 103 B (it’s slightly off page but still there)
Udes XX-20
M1A2 (export) below if you don’t know

Some armor stuff (may lead to some changes in armor?)

A bit of their scope

Even more lists


The F4U-5 Corsair. It would be fairly easy to implement, given that we already have the airframe mostly modeled ( On the AU-1 and F4U-7). All it needs is the correct power curve and engine overheat temps.


Gaijin “uses” the swedish trials for the basis of their armor values, but also ignore protection angles pointed out in said trails.


You are free to suggest other test/prototype/produced-but-not-fielded vehicles for other nations.
I am sure there is some type of obscure Bradley or Scimitar test variant which will absolutely be on par, if not better, than these suggested BMP-3 variants.

If not, then there is a pill to be swallowed.
These vehicles are real, functional, and very well may be added if Gaijin decides so, for any reason.
And you can only be mad at the other nations for not having any counterparts.

More World War 2 captured vehicles


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We already have one of these.

Cool, I’m trying to figure out if the green means a Pen or a Non-Pen though. I assume green is Non-Pen.

Green is good, so non-pen

Which one?

Hermann the German Sherman, its a rare pack that they do like 100 packs once per year

The one in the image is the firefly, that one is not in the German tree yet

German Sherman, if the Firefly was to come, it would be a BP or Limited time Event vehicle.

Idk, but this is a graphical QOL change I guess, but “functional” mudflaps. I don’t know, but some of them make hitboxes that shouldn’t be a static peice, like on the Leopard’s rear mudflaps.