Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion

No, once a nation is allocated that it, it’s glued to that nation. It would be weird to say when Japan got Thailand their Gripen went to Sweden instead, it wouldn’t make sense.

Again, Britain has the French DB-7 bomber, the D.520 that is in the French tech tree and even the D.521 that isn’t in the France nation at all, all 3 as premiums. Right now India is only in british premium so…
Hope is far from lost

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France was not a subtree, UK tree was just their home for a bit. Somewhat like Argentina, it’s not a German subtree, but its where Argentina lives for now.
India is a confirmed Subtree.


We should protest, that makes no sense… Imagine if USA was a british subtree because it used to be a british colony? It’s not much different
And again Israel needs a subtree 100x more than britain

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There’s already multiple F-86s with AIM-9Bs in the game

There are no production variants that would differ from the ones we have as event vehicles, so most likely the Skyray and Tiger will remain event exclusives

Like what? The P-80 is already in the game in both an early and late variant and the P-59B wouldn’t be in that BR range. Not sure what BR a F-94 would get, but I can’t imagine that being lower than 7.0 either.

The F3D-2M carries Sparrow I (1) missiles, which would be similar to the Fireflash. A fitting BR would be 8.7 to match the Swift F.7

Sure, the F7U-1 and the F7U-3M. The early F7U-3 without afterburners isn’t needed, but could be an event or premium vehicle.

Both of those missiles would act like reskins. The AIM-120C-5 was the first one to differ from the AIM-120B in ways that are meaningful for WT.

We tried as we wanted Australia more but gaijin called our MBT niche

first off, can you give me some context about where you wanted it and what unique stuff would be in it? I didn’t see that topic or a convo about it
And idk alat about australian equipment

Dude gaijin literally called our MBT niche read the Indian T-90 blog that’s the reason why we got India in the first place

India is a British subtree because the vast majority of their equipment before about 1970-1980 was British designed.
Also cause that’s what the Snail wants. Simple as that.


I didn’t disagree with you I asked for informations because I have no clue about that topic

The Tejas Mk1A definitely wouldn’t be 13.7 lol, the Mk1 maybe, but not the Mk1A
You should also specify the variants of the Vampire, Canberra, Hunter, Su-7, MiG-21, 23 and 29 and put the Ajeet in the Gnats place

The Ajeet is foldered with the Gnat, I’m gonna try to find the variants for the others

Pretty sure their older equipment has nothing to do with Gaijins decision to add them as a British subtree lol

Here : Squadron vehicles: T-90 Bhishma

" First and foremost, we’d like to let you know the reasons as to why we’re going to be adding this vehicle to the British tree. Britain’s top-tier MBTs are generally niche and are typically geared towards methodical combat engagements. Because of this, additional export MBTs and other vehicles that have ties to some Commonwealth nations will allow for more options and new approaches to Britain’s gameplay. We’d like to note that we are continuing to work on filling the British ground forces tree, which will include various armored, infantry fighting vehicles, and light tanks. These are planned for the future."


Alr, I understand. I don’t play ground but I understand your pain

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+ Smin’s staments.


People have already done that when India was announced to be british sub tree. There’s no point of bringing back old topics, India is a british sub tree and there’s nothing we can do now.

which Vampire should it be? The IAF used all of these: F.3, FB.52, NF.10, NF.54, T.55, PR.55, T.11
And also which Hunter, the IAF used all of these: FGA.56, T.66, F.56

There’s nothing we can do napoleon gif with that one music

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