3 fighter aircraft rank 8 from 2 countries increase BR to 14.3 before received AIM-9X (Block I)
4 fighter aircraft could get Python 4 after increase battle rating
Flare resistant better Magic 2 ?
And armed R-77-1/RVV-SD ?
3 fighter aircraft rank 8 from 2 countries increase BR to 14.3 before received AIM-9X (Block I)
4 fighter aircraft could get Python 4 after increase battle rating
Flare resistant better Magic 2 ?
And armed R-77-1/RVV-SD ?
Ladies and gentlemen, off topic, China’s 6-gen aircraft has already been tested
Chengdu’s 6-gen fighter made its first flight, exactly.
South African Badger ifv
Malaysian AV8 Gempita ifv
(turret also made by South Africa)
No way lol. Unless they somehow are the first aircraft to receive AIM-120C as the only aircraft in game they’ll just be absolutely eaten alive/rofl stomped by the EFT/Rafale.
It’s legit a one trick pony.
You are very late.
FA18C with basic A2A and A2G would be circa 13.7 with edit: i mean without C AMRAAMs and 14.0 with. Tbf the FA18E without AIM174 would probably be worse since it sacrifices more for CAS or SLAMER etc.
Someone commented that, given its intake position, it should have a huge bay and allows him to take out 3 bases on a run
have enyone seen a bug where your ammo gets limited on a mbt?
And I have repeatedly said it doesn’t work as a prototype, especially as with no radar like you suggest any missile launch would be just a straight blind launch as with no radar, IRST, or JHMCS there is absolutely no way to target and therefore a high likelihood of team killing
Which leads back to it being OP if added before other stealth aircraft and pointless if added after, you would have to give it at least a radar or IRST to function and with either of those, assuming it could use AMRAAMs through IRST, it would be significantly better than anything current or near.
Also did the YF-23 have countermeasures, that seems like the sort of thing that would be left for later in development and if not then would you add them to this not YF-23 and not F-23 fabrication too?
I get a interesting Chinese meme,
meanwhile in Washington:
and Pizza Hut is closed for Christmas, so no pizza today
i need to gamble and the snail is preventing me
What tree wants the spanish Eurofighter, F-18 and harriers? :)
Eh they could be skins or premiums in the countries who developed them ig
Unfortunatly the first community-made official in-game aircraft lasted for 3 months on sale. The last time we saw this was the T129 ATAK.
They’ll probably return it as a GE premium for Swiss holidays/celebrations every year.