Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Poland is the only real nation that could realistically could come, as by itself it could host a lot of nations which some you’ve have listed.

Here a full list which nations Poland can have,

Yugoslavia (At a push)


They can just not do a navy, like they haven’t with 3 of the nations already in game

Lithuania could work, Ukraine no, Czeckoslovakia yes, Bulgaria no, Yugoslavia is too far of a push, the only real option here is Czeckoslovakia.

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Bulgaria is a minor Axis power and would go to Italy, technically so was Yugoslavia for 2 whole days before it changed its mind, so I probably wouldn’t count them

That was exactly what me and my team were generally aiming at.

Agreed, Ukraine should just be kept out of the game really

Nah this old but reliable leak shows they gonna get whole of eastern Europe


Highly unlikely, Eastern Europe isn’t a real thing, it’s a region in Europe, not even an alliance, co-alition or anything, you would have too much vehicles to choose from as well.


“far into the future” and from before they claimed that India was not viable to be its own tree.

Idk this is what the leak says, maybe gaijin would add lesser countries to a future poland sub tree but who knows

That leak has them getting Romania, which is part of the Italian tree, and nothing else on it has come to pass, you can hardly call it reliable.

Also predicting Switzerland to Germany would hardly add to it’s credibility, that has been generally assumed since the Swiss Hunter in March 2023


Nope, you could split this leak into 2 parts and have fully working tech tree’s,Poland with Czeckoslovakia would work, and then you have the Yugoslavian nations, idk about Ukraine tbh.

But this list come from the discord that always give out reliable leak list. Maybe it a little outdated ish since gaijin always changing their minds but i would still put some trust in it

Looks like he finallly produced something unreliable.

It can be the most reliable source to ever exist, it still is a leak of long term plans and those are known to change over time

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Also, what does an EU tree look like, most nations in that group are claimed already?

It’s more likely that a Poland tree is planned and some of those nations could be added to it, but definitely not all of them

Idk man i am also confused about that part

Per smin Czech is not a USSR Subtree/nation. Just a home for now. Similar to Argentinian stuff in the German TT


Yeah, no different to France being in Britain before it was added, or Israel being in the US.

Until a nation is a tree or subtree, its vehicles can go wherever seems to fit best

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K1 does have a new engine and cool hydropneumatic suspension though