Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Gaijin doesn’t nerf weapons prior to addition [source: Datamines].
What you should say instead: Gaijin may [not a guarantee] add an IRCCM to PL-8B they think it has based on available source material that may later prove to be inaccurate, just like the AAM-3.

Gaijin has been decompressing the game every year since 2022.
That’s not dragging their feet, that’s being cautious and consistent.

A 2 stop match-maker requires Gaijin to do ALL the work of decompression research before that would even be able to be implemented, which would re-compress some things as well as compress the match maker.
The demand for a 2-step match maker inherently causes compression as it resets the BR balance to before 2017 as well as allows for far less room in the match maker for nuanced differences in vehicles.

You go from IS-3, IS-4, Tiger 2, and Tiger 2 105 all being 4 different BRs to at least one of them having to share a BR with another as an example.

Oh, before some think I’m saying the Cent 5/1 is a good reword, I’m not, it’s a bad one.

Yes, there is a 20pdr Cent in the TT, however, that isn’t the problem it’s that it is Australian. Anyone who truly knows the forums knows of the “Finish KV Problem”. Where the Finish tanks in Germany can’t join Finland in its home (the Swedish TT).

The same thing applies to all non-host tree-operated BP rewords if they get a home in a different TT the vehicles can’t join them. (and yes Australia isn’t a UK sub-tree, despite what most of its player base(that I’ve talked to) wants)

Know what makes the Croc such a perfect reward to me? As I pointed out it’s operated by the host tree nation but it’s also on a Mk VII which is in the TT on the same BR. And then its armament, its main armament the same as the TT, but it gets a flamethrower for a secondary, which use is gameplay is ok at best.

So, at the end of it, you have a main nation-operated tank, with the exact vehicles in the TT down to the same MK at the BR, but you have a gimmick that makes it unique but if you don’t have it doesn’t matter as there is a 99% identical tank in the TT.


And then 0

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I am beyond ready for another BR change list cause man some vehicles need help lol


Nothing. Even HMS Sheffield’s damage mostly comes from fire with damage control system first got unlucky hit by missile, not by the sheer explosive of exocet itself.

@Smin1080p_WT Currently the Su-27SM and Su-34 have blue afterburners which devs modeled into the game and makes it look pretty. While it isn’t important, is there any way we can have the MICAs have their purple flames modeled? MICA EM should have purple flames // // Issues


First glance at that photo and I thought it was a RATO on the Rafale :D


Who needs that when you can already chase the Ariane 6!

The video is pretty cool, I recommend watching it

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Woah when did they do that?

Looks like it was 3 months after an F-22 followed a Falcon 9

July 9th, 2024

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I really hope they come soon, and with some sort of decompression of the 9.X BR range. Right now any uptier makes your plane utterly useless unless you have flares. You have F-104s 0.3 higher than F-86s, but those same F-104s are obsolete against anything above 9.7.


Honestly same with ground also, the 8.x though 9.x is filled with questionable BR choices for many vehicles or vehicles needing buffs because they shouldn’t move down.


Naval decompression would be nice too, starting from 3.7-4.7, so I don’t see Frank Knox in Alano boat…

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I’ve been doing some thinking about those nations coming to WTM.

Recently they announced they would be adding new nations to their version of the game.


Now suddenly out of nowhere they got a new datamine containing South Korean flags in which if you have noticed both War thunder nor Mobile has got South Korean tech. So with that in mind we could savely say South Korea could be one of these hinted nations.

But what does this have to do with War thunder I hear you scream.

Well in the recent Dev’s Covert Disclosures we got told new nations for our side of war thunder are taking a back sit. Which we kinda already knew about but what has also been quoted in their are hint for more sub nations for 2025.

“Q: War Thunder is constantly expanding with new vehicles from other nations, which are implemented into nations already in the game. But are there any plans for separate standalone nations in the future in addition to the 10 already present in the game?
A: Yes, we have plans for separate new nations. But next year, we’ll focus on filling the gaps in existing trees, including adding subtrees of other nations to them, and adding new types of vehicles.”

So with this information we could make the suggestion that South Korea could be one of those planned sub nations. As in our version of the game South Korea isn’t big enough to hold it’s own nation up.

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It’s possible, however given that they specified gap filling, I’m more inclined to believe that the new sub nations will be for China (Pakistan) and Israel (Singapore or Chile and/or Argentina) due to them being the only nations without five lines.


I believe these would also be added this year too, remember we had Hungarian air, Benelux air & India announcement, work on Benelux ground and then Thailand air. So in total we had about 3 total new subs added.

So with South Korea, Pakistan and Israeli rework with a sub could totally be possible.

Funny how they take about filling holes then take away something that a nation can’t survive without lol.

I think their focus this year is going to be making 5 full lines for ground and air for each in-game nation with a help of subtrees, so probably: Thailand ground forces for Japan, some new subtree for filling Chinese ground and air, new air line for Sweden (Norway and Denmark?), WW2 part of Hungarian line (hopefully with Romanian planes as well) for Italy, maybe smth for Israel as well, though this is kinda specific nation, considering it starts from rank IV (idk if they plan a subtree for it or not).

If you’re in an F-15/EFT, yes. Rafale can kind of do it, but it’s speed (altitude) + AIM-120, otherwise, you have to go rat mode and wait for the SPAMRAAM brainlets to die before you get to do anything.

You can occasionally slap someone who’s not paying attention with a R-77/PL-12 within about 20km, but that’s not always a guarantee.

  1. BARS is not really an 80’s radar. At best a single non-M N011 existed for testing, and it didn’t even get testing until the 90’s. Production of the BARS didn’t begin until the early 2000’s. It’s a good, not great radar.

  2. TVC will be great for the Flankers. If you’re playing like a rat to begin with, having more alpha in your turn, and a better turn speed at lower speeds will help you against Gripens and F-16’s.

  3. R-77 is what’s holding back Russia right now, and it’s not even the worst ARH in the game. R-77M or R-77-1 whatever people want to call it, is what’s needed if Gaijin doesn’t address the game engine’s issues with the drag modelling.

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They are different missiles.