Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

PL-8Bs would likely come in a nerfed state, just like AAM-3s.

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@DirectSupport found another one

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Now we know where Gaijin gets their ideas.


The off bore capability of stuff like the PL-12, R-77 and MICA are so much better tho

Just had a go in the VB.10-02 to see if it was any good, safe to say I think it’s fine at 4.7

My first game

and I’m not particularly good at WWII props
though if I’m being honest, it seems pretty average for a twin-engine interceptor, it’s just that the guns are very good and make up for my terrible aim xD

Because the seeker is the same, the diameter is of course the same. The PL-9C is a mixture of a thickened PL-5 body and a PL-8B seeker.

Everyone underestimates it and goes head on and just dies to the fire power

TBH I didn’t see much of that, but I had free reign to come in and out of the furball and just delete people, died to a head-on with a wyvern because I was bored of trying to chase him down so just committed to it, like I said the guns are very good, the velocity seems quite high and they pack a punch, also no too hard to aim for wing guns, although I imagine the 4.0 version without the .50s is better for it’s BR given that the 20mm should be doing most of the work and it’s 0.7 lower.

All in all I enjoyed it quite a bit considering I don’t really like WWII air battles all that much

Most top tier plane are Frankensteins anyway
I suggest that we make a 15.0 br in order to have a gap in-between planes with only SARH and planes that have more advanced ARH
Also the r77 and pl 12 need a buff

We do need decompression, but you can’t have a hard wall between ARH and SARH, if you do that a lot of 13.0 and 13.3 aircraft become permanently unplayable as they can only get uptiers, we just need to space out 12.7 - 13.3 more so that aircraft like the F-16ADF can’t see F-15Cs and SU-27SMs, only the current 13.3s at a max uptier at the least, and preferably not even those, just the better 13.0s

Very nice to see the Australian skins, even if a couple are on rather different vehicles to what we used. Especially the Harrier, that’s a very odd one!

It wouldn’t be bad to have a hard wall since 13.3 have more advanced ARH
And at 14.3 you would have f16c and it’s equivalent and all the 15.0 will have all the 4.5 gen planes
Also buffing the MiG 29 smt so it doesn’t fly like a brick
And all other MiG 29

Well, the 13.0 SARH only aircraft are capable of fighting ARH users, but should only be able to be full uptiered to the current 13.7 at most

So ideally you’d look at something like:

12.7 (same)
13.0 (current SARH 13.0)
13.3 (current ARH 13.0)
13.7 (current 13.3)
14.0 (current worst 13.7s i.e F-16A OCU, F-16D, J-11A plus the MiG-29SMT)
14.3 (middling current 13.7s i.e. F-16C, JAS 39C)
14.7 (the rest of current 13.7 plus the F-15E)
15.0 (Eurofighter, Rafale)

so instead of a hard wall it’s just spaced out a lot better and you’re only going to see a few decent ARH users in a SARH only aircraft.

That’s roughly how I’d decompress it if I had the chance anyways.

Obviously this is only 12.7 and up, I’d like them to decompress some of the middle BRs 8.0 - 10.0 ish as well but that is a separate matter


The J-11A is on par with, if not worse than the F-16A OCU and the F-16C and JAS-39C blow it out of the water.

I moved it, I have not flown it as I have only ever heard bad things, I got the J-10A and haven’t been seriously grinding China since as there is nothing there that I want xD should probably work on that before the J-11B comes.

There is a huge difference in strength withing 13.7 though, like from the F-16A OCU to the F-15J(M) there is a significant difference in capability, worth at least a 0.3 BR difference if not 0.7

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There is enough points of compression to squeeze out at the very least 16.0, probably up to 18.0 if you really get into it. 14.0 is simply just not enough.

If we’re going up to 16.0, I’d honestly just do a 0.7 matchmaker at that point, it’s simpler and doesn’t affect matchmaking as much, but as far as the current balance between BRs as seen at lower tiers, 15.0 seems the bare minimum

-/+ 1 is easier and better IMO, a whole lot simpler to balance.

Eh, +/- 1 just reads better imo.

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Ok then, I’d redo all the BRs to be 0.5 steps and then do a 1.0 matchmaker (1.3 becomes 1.5, 1.7 becomes 2.0 etc.) I think that would make current top tier 20.5

and +/- 2 steps should be easier than +/- 3 steps to balance, simply because there is less of a range of opponents to consider when looking at any individual aircraft

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