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True, but I do believe it would still struggle against a salvo of Granit or Bazalt missiles, if implemented properly, you’ve got to remember that the USSR designed their later guided missile cruisers to be able to do significant damage to entire CSGs, both the US and USSR knew the US would have the bigger navy, so the Soviets designed ships like the Slava and Kirov that could punch well above their weight, they aren’t to be underestimated

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It actually doesn’t make sense cause the new AESA version entered service no earlier than 2021, so even less info.

All of China’s top tier vehicles will be newer than their counterparts, China got to the game late and needed a lot of catching up, Gaijin either have to make do with what they can get, or leave China in the dirt so soon after they started to become worth playing.

It’s a game of odds, VLS on a TICO is 70+ missiles. Slava missile cruiser has 12 Granit/Vulcan missiles. Kirov has 20 Granit missiles.

I dont think it will be as simple as you think. Plus the TICOs are the screen to the valuable ships like the carriers.

Thing is, even if the Tico can avoid being hit 50% of the time, it only has 8 Harpoons to hit back with, and at much closer range, the Kirov or Slava can strike first and strike harder, and the missile defences on the Slava and Kirov are no joke, and with much less to defend against, the Slava and Kirov likely have the advantage

Like, that is kind of my point, the Slava and Kirov are the valuable ships, where as the Tico is primarily there to defend the carriers

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oh no doubt, ship to ship the Russian big hitters win it. When we involve aircraft from carriers the balance of power moves to the USN if the USN survive the Russian Alpha strike. The sheer volume of ASHMS the USN can unleash will overwealm most if not all missile systems.

Obviously, no one in their right mind would deny that the US navy was superior, but as far as war thunder naval battles go, because of US naval doctrine, their ships wouldn’t be all that good compared to the soviets’

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It would have to be balanced by fleet composition, You couldnt have a team of Slavas and Kirovs vs TICOS and Arleigh Burkes

Plus we cant hunt Kirovs using Bucanneers ;)

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Just doing some quick searches seems to say that two AL-31FP on the 30SM puts out what the in game 27SM does, about 25,000kgf and the 27SM actually should have more power then it does in game for the AL-31F-M1 at 26,600kgf…sooo, if any of that is true, I’m fine with that.

Would be ridiculous cause the US team will just have to defend them selves cause harpoons and Standard are not exactly grave threats even if they managed to hit a Russian ship, since the explosive mass is…

Also much less likely to hit as Harpoons are subsonic, means the Russian have way longer to shoot them down than the US do for the Granit, traveling Mach 1.6

Depends what time period we set it in, If we go 80s and 90s yes. Later though and we get access to more sophisticated systems.

Harpoon will kill a ship while it may take more hits it’s still a sizeable warhead. It is slower though and because of that the USN can carry more of them not including the F/A-18s that can also carry them.

Well this is the future of naval, modern ships.

Naval will have to evolve or stay at WW2 levels.

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They will but the Russians do not have the same quality of FCS and Radar as USN ships. VLS and TICO Aegis protection systems can track 100s of threats. A single TICO could allocate 4 SM2 missiles per Granit.
Then we have superior close range systems CIWS and Jamming.

Yes Harpoons are slower and more time to shoot them down but they can saturate targets making it unlikely to intercept them all.

The real modern day threat is China and the YJ-12

My bad, haven’t seen that one yet

Yeah, just in war thunder that’s unlikely, like I said the real world and war thunder don’t crossover well in this regard.

and yeah, I don’t know much about China’s navy, but I imagine they’re probably stronger than the Russians by now.

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Type 1493 is one of the few modern Chinese radars where we do know the general performance of.
Search range is approximately 150km for an aerial target of 3 square meters, can provide datalink for six ARH missiles (PL-12 in this case).

The average power of the transmitter is 1000 watts.

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Hello Cat