Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Good thing there still is stuff like the Hawk 200, Harrier GR9A, several Eurofighters, the Tejas and the Atlas Cheetah left to be added for Britains rank 8

If atlas cheetah gets added im gonna be so mad lmao, they denied it because the Gripen would be a better alternative, though if it had been chosen maybe the gripen would be in a better position.

Could be a premium though

Premium Cheetah, i’d go for that.
Doesn’t it only get two missiles though?

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Yeah iirc, oh wait aren’t you the guy who said the JA37Di was gonna be OP?

Off topic lol but yeah Cheetah had i think only the wing pylons it could mount the missiles and i think like 60 CM’s

I think when it comes to India in the UK, for air the MKI, Tejas, and Jaguar IM are all solid worthwhile additions to the UK tree, the Tejas is unique, the Jaguar is a British aircraft anyway and the MKI adds diversity and extends a now dead branch of the tree. Other vehicles like the Ajeet may come or not depending on if there is room in the TT, or potentially as premiums, but it’s top tier where British air needs some diversity, so I’ll not go into that

The Mirage 2000, Rafale, and MiG-29K seem less likely or necessary, if any of those come I’d expect it to be the MiG-29K as India was instrumental in its existence, but the Rafale competes directly with the Typhoon, the Mirage 2000 could maybe come as a premium as it does have the distinction of carrying R-73s, but it’s role in the TT is already filled by the SAAF Gripen, the 29K I can see happening, between the Sea Harrier FA 2 and the F-35 potentially, but I don’t have strong opinions either way

As for Commonwealth Hornets, while I would like an Australian Legacy Hornet (for ASRAAM exclusivity), there isn’t really a need in the tree for them, and with neither country being a subtree I think they’re best left alone for now.

2nd aircraft pre-order premium rank 8 for british it might Cheetah D, and armaments like Cheetah C. my guess

Imo i think unless they need them, they should be left out, no reason to bloat every TT, which only hurts TT’s without that option. Besides we are still missing a lot of domestic options for vehicles that are very unique like Hawk 200

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Maybe? Seems like another F4J(unk) type vehicle you have to pay for lol

In a full downtier in sim, yeah. Which at 13.0 it gets 50% of the time im the current rotation.
Obviously not if someone is a n00b buying into it. Learning curve too steep for that.

Huh, guess i just haven’t seen a good pilot since launch then. They are easy food lmao

We never operated the Hawk 200, it’s a cool aircraft and maybe it will be added as a premium, I’m not sure it should be tech tree, the regular Hawk would be cool though, but not top tier, and tbh I don’t think the Hawk 200 is top tier either

I agree there’s no need for unnecessary bloat, like with the Mirage 2000 for China, it kind of feels in the way, though that’s more because Chinese top tier needs another branch, but the three aircraft I suggested should come isn’t enough for bloat I don’t think, like I said, it’s a modernized Jaguar, the Tejas, and an addition to an already dead end branch

I may have overestimated the amount of skilled players that would play it.

Premium should be the biggest clue lmao

sheeeeeesh I didn’t think the mere mention of the Gripen E would be so controversial!

Why someone drama and not like gajin add indian vehicle for british tree Q2 2023 until present ? 😐

This is why subs are a double edged sword, Yeah India is our sub but 98% if UK players don’t want any Indian jet other than unique and our exports.

Where if Australia was added, 98% of their community wants to be added to the UK same more or less goes for the Canadians too.

The only reason why India was added due to gaijin calling our MBT’s niche which was due to their fault for not fixing them as much as we liked.

Again id rather see vehicles like the Hawk than unnecessary additions like the F18 to britain when the EFT or gripen cover that role. Maybe eventually they might need it but rn they dont need more additions. Even then if gaijin either updates the gripen C or gives them a new gripen C with only IRIS-T

I guess the next prediction is how far out do y’all think cold war warships are ATM for naval?

When did it even get mentioned recently?

TBF Australia or Canada would have “fixed” that issue as well

And I agree, Australia fits better, but it comes with a lot less stuff, and nothing unique or British that fills the gaps Britain has anyway