Id agree if other nations got that treatment otherwsie im against it.
nothing wrong with adding Su-30MKI in same update as Su-30SM.
Looks like youre trying to defend unique treatment of Russia - get it before others can. As was with MiG-29 and etc.
Yeah, it was never my intention to say they need it now, it’s the sort of thing that can wait, but Britains tree is rather sparse going on, with only the F-35 and future versions of Harrier and Typhoon left, India provides some diversity on a level that Australia and Canada don’t so while they probably fit better, they also don’t add a ton, at least for air.
And as for the issues in Sim, they need to better show what operator nations are in the match, or separate operator nations in matchmaking, it’s not unrealistic that India and Russia end up in conflict, but it is unrealistic that they would be unaware of the fact they will be seeing opposing aircraft of the same type
but they are quite different. I still doubt SU-30SM’s ability, it’s not that difference with SU-27SM. still N001, still R-77.
But MKI is different
30SM doesnt have N001, theres N011M, which is PESA
MKI is mostly the same, difference - MKI has more A-G weapons, such as Spice, aswell as A-A weapons, like DERBY-ER, Mica(only tested), TGP. IDK about does MKI has 77-1 which SM must have
Until they add stuff like the I-Derby ER and Astra missile the MKI would be mostly the same as the Su-30SM
ah, I mess it with other SU-30 again.
just for 1 plane and maybe for 1 update at least, i’m not defending anything, I don’t mind other nations having more options, it just seems unfair to add the su30sm and mki in the same update when russia really needs something rn for top tier, It’s more about the need for something and not about special treatment for russia
i agree with everything you said tbh
just 2 opposite points, trying to look the same.
it is, since all other nations, for example, F-16 got added, almost all nations have got it, which had it.
But Gaijin didnt implement same logic for MiG-29. Only reason can be - special Russian treatment.
again, you are missing my point, at the time the f16 was added, other nations also needed a top tier, again it’s about the need for something to be added, not about special treatment
and i even said it was a strange thing to do because germany at the time needed the 29 for top tier, i just pointed out that it could be done in the case of the su30 and it wouldn’t cause harm like in the case of 29s.
ok, would change example - F-15E and I. Did Israel needed new Top-tier Jet that much? Not, but it was added. And if it was an Russian jet - it might be even added in few updates after.
but my guy, israel uses the damn f15I, is it so difficult for you to understand stuff or what? and why are u comparing to the ussr which rn doesnt have counter to de current top dogs? us did have the f15c which was the meta too, and the su27sm couldnt even compete with that thing either at the time, last thing the US needed was the f15E which broke top tier even more until now with the EF and the rafale that can compete with the f15E
India also uses Su-30MKI, and?
Israel was the case, why US F-15E got new engines. If there was no such thing - theres might be even no case of any “broke top tier” - it would be straight up worser F-15C for A-A missions, due of same engines, while being heavier.
India is a sub-tree not a main nation, so you cannot compare with the case of Israel.
honestly, I don’t even know what you’re trying to prove anymore.
And? why would that be a reason?
It cant have planes? Or what?
Then read, what i wrote multiple times, again.
India also uses the Rafales, but Britain doesn’t need either of these planes. As it has already been established, just because something has been/is being operated by a nation, doesn’t mean it also gets added to that nation.
sub trees are made to fill gaps if necessary, so the priority is lower because obviously the priority goes to things done by the main nation, so in that case, the main nation (UK) already got a really powerfull plane (eurofighter) it doesnt need to fill any gap rn.
Though i think again nearly everynation has multiple Rank 8 vehicles through copy and paste, im totally for nations with no copy and paste to get the same treatment for their top tier air as everyone else.
Good thing there still is stuff like the Hawk 200, Harrier GR9A, several Eurofighters, the Tejas and the Atlas Cheetah left to be added for Britains rank 8