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Introducing a missile does not mean that it was rapidly expanding through the game. Only a handful of jets had them, so no, they were not proliferated.

Proportionally, Challenger 1 is a better 10.3-10.7 than the Challenger 2s are 11.7-12.0s.

Like, Challenger Mk.3 is good at the same BR as M1, Leopard 2A4, etc (although still not as meta); but Challenger 2s, al their currently broken state, being at the same BR as Leopard 2A7s, Strv 122s, T-80BVM, etc, is just… sad.

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Thinking about it the 60M was on the 21bis too, and the Russian top tier strike fighter iirc, it was actually June 21 when the MiG-23 was added and I believe the R-60M, though it may have been earlier, the R-60M had been prolific for a while by the time Apex came around, hence the attempted addition of the R-73

The Challenger 1s are very good in game and the Challenger 2 is alright

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They’re alright. BN has one of the best APS systems in game. But that’s just my opinion.

Chally 1 is good, it’s not too slow has decent armour and decent fire power.

Just noticed that in the wallpaper, the Phalanx CIWS’ on Takatsuki and Hatsuyuki are visible even though they’re hidden from view( but still present !) in gameplay.

😳 😳


ahh, with Soviet + T26 I thought you meant this :

damn, yea Soviet LL M26/T26E3 can be a future possibility but it also opens up another big can of worms then,
what about US LL KV-1 & T-34?
Iranian M60, Chieftain, M109 or captured Magach transferred to USSR? It’s still war booty coz it happened during Cold War.
And with Kunstiger, what about other captured WW2 equipment like British Tiger I, French Tiger II …
And am not even delving into subtree Nations and what they captured in their involved conflicts.

No. Germany had first the Pz II Ausf.C and III E. Then Pz II Ausf.C was made non reserve.

Pz III Ausf.B was added, also made reserve, at that time also with only max 6.0°/Sec traverse, because of that the Pz III Ausf.E (also with just 5,5°/sec) and Pz.35(t) were made reserve.

Tho even now that they have 20 and 14°/sec (and possibly even 20-25 and 15-20 in the future, when the report is accepted and maybe implemented, they have manual free traverse option, which is also why they dont have turret baskets/floors).

I still think they wont remove the 3rd Reserve. Because the E is the only “good” of them, the Pz III B is just relatively slow (35km/h) weak armor (14,5mm), relatively weak AP performance (shure Pzgr.40, but barely anyone uses that), the Pz.35(t) (also maybe 20-25°/sec in the future, also free traverse) is just a little bit better than Pz III B, with 1 crew less, 10mm more armor, slower top speed of 33 km/h, a little bit more AP performance on lower velocity and longer reload (3.3 Sec top, instead of 2.8/2.9 of other 37mm guns).

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The can was opened long ago. They USSR already has an M4. US already has BF109s.

Tbf as lend lease was willingly given to the Soviets as allies in the war, it makes sense that US an UK equipment be a part of the Soviet tree, though aside from the P-63 I believe it should stay premium for the most part not TT

which missile go like that? lol

Why not French Tiger 2?

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bro all vehicles of all nations for France, good? lol

since they have got two f-16s! i dont care anymore lol

Is it me or is France has just became a dumping ground for event vehicles lately ?

Looks like a Harpoon

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Algeria for France when?

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MKA for France, MKI for Britain, MKM for Japan, everyone gets a Flanker :)


That would be hilarious and would defo make the purist have a melt down


Funny thing is, none of them are really any worse than a Commonwealth F/A-18 for Britain, and you don’t see half as many people upset about that idea