Smell that? No u don’t but that’s me printing money in arcade with this and the BP B7A2
good for japanese players
Just based off of it having 10 AMRAAMs and a HMD it will be 13.7, it’s FM may be bad but it’s not going to be enough to justify 13.3 when the only thing with HMD there is the SMT, and that thing likely has similar performance, though a higher top speed, and yet fewer and worse missiles
And why wouldnt they add new missiles? The game has to progress, right? Why add something that is already being fulfilled by three or four other airplanes? We have 120A and 9M slingers. Now its time for 120Cs and early 9Xs. And eventually we will see 120Ds amd more modern 9Xs.
This reads as “I dont want to see an American plane dethrown the ETF and Rafale” though. Before we start getting into an area where Gaijin has to make stuff up because of classified stats, EU mains are kinda cooked because they only spec’ed into one fighter and theres like one, maybe two variants left for their top tier. But we know the meta is going to swing back to the US and Russia eventually. I just dont see the point of adding another 120A and 9M thrower.
9X may be a push too far right now though it depends on implementation they could nerf the seeker and add it sooner, they’ll likely only go up by a smaller step so 120C is on the cards alongside the 77-1 which they should have added already if not the 77M given what they’ve said about the 77-1, for IR missiles I expect PL-8B to next, then the R73M, then P4 potentially, then have a big wave of new missiles in December including ASRAAM, 9X, MICA IR, P5, PL-10 and other similar missiles
The Eurofighter with ASRAAM/9X and Meteor missiles will still be a match for the F-22, and once the F-35 comes we’ll be equal again
“Last legionnaire” probably refers to tank prize and we know that it’s US-made, so imo it should be the last medium tank succeeded by first MBTs irl.
I guess it’s M47, don’t believe that the main prize is going to be full-copypaste as well, so it’s probably 105 mm variant French or another prototype for Italy with the original engine, on the other hand it can be just 90 mm variant but with T-shape muzzle break.
I am thinking with the name, being a medium, possibly the French M47 prototype with the AMX 30 gun? Would at least be interesting to a degree.
Would fit the name well too given time, nation, etc.
That’s the problem
it wouldn’t dethrone the EFT
it honestly wouldn’t even survive current top tier even with better missiles
that’s why I want it at a lower BR, where it’ll perform better in total
I’m also not against the addition of better Missiles and systems to the US air tree, it’s just not an F/A-18 that fits the Meta defining role
an F-15C MSIP II Late or an F-16C Block 70, both with AESA Radar and AiM-120C would be a much better choice for an aircraft to bring newer missiles to the US airtrees
I’d even go so far that I’d say the F-35A may be within reach now
F-35 is absolutely not equal to the F-22 and Eurofighter
it’s a Strike focused Multi role and should be seen as one too
while were discussing this topic it should be noted that China and the Soviet union, for once, are the ones that could use a better missile
they need it more than the US tbh
Well Gszabi seems to imply that the tank reward will be copy paste as well, plus the most recent leak claims it to be a “leased” tank, so I don’t think such modifications would be possible if the vehicle were simply on loan.
You mean like the F-15E? There are ways the F-35 can dethrone the F-22 and Eurofighter
Though my original point still stands that the Eurofighter will be perfectly capable against the F-22
And the F-35 goes to all but Russia and China so that does level the playing field significantly
Don’t even hate C&P, I just hate that C&P now frequently outweighs original stuff, or at least definitely seems that way.
I dont see the F-35 coming to the game even in the next 10 years. Or if it does, it will with completely made up stats. I think the EFT will be the end of the line for EU fighters without relying on US or Russian aircraft, like Finland and its F/A-18. It will get better missiles, sure. But the US still has a healthly amount of jets to add even before you touch the F/A-18. Still have F-15EX, the Block 60/70/72 F-16s, F-22, even saw something the other day regarding the F-15E getting a sizable radar upgrade here soon. So Gaijin could probably go back and start handing out the Early/Late titles ago to existing US airframes.
I guess when you have four of the top ten largest air forces in the world, you get the perk of having plenty of variants. Not even counting the slew of strategic bombers the US had and still has. I think the Buff just got an engine upgrade too. Like, what another nation has an AC-130 like aircraft to add if Gaijin went full rubber padded room? And you have the Sky Warden too.
Why is the F-35 a decade away but the F-22 still worth discussing?
I don’t know. I don’t understand the obsession with the F-22 personally. Its a cool piece of hardware but it, to me, is a poster child aircraft. There’s just better/more proven airframes out there. People want it and I dont quite know why because no one here actually thinks Gaijin will get it’s stealth cross section right. I would rather see the B-1 or the AC-130 come to the game before the F-22.
Could be USA Captured King Tiger?
How don’t you know, it was your own claim.
If theres no F-35 because it’s too modern then there can be no other 5th gens aside from the F-22, and if it’s only the F-22 then it can’t really be any better than the top tiers of other nations, Eurofighters, SU-35, J-15T etc because there is no chance of Gaijin topping off the air trees with one nation so clearly ahead of the others
So with that we get an F-22 on par with the Eurofighter and your original point fails that the US will eventually outclass the Eurofighter