Would be nice to see the F-14A variant that successfully tested 120s added. Or see them come with the D model.
That or it’s a premium.
I’m kinda expecting China to finally get a PL-12-armed Flanker this update, or just a newer J-10 which would be a little disappointing, the J-10 is still my favorite aircraft though, even after unlocking the British Typhoon, there isn’t a lot else to be exited for in the Chinese tree yet, though later on it will become quite good I imagine
They recently tested litening EO/IRs and intergated them. But prior to that they were useing ATFLIRs
SU-30SM will definitely be coming soon, as it should already be in game at the moment
I wouldn’t rush Gaijin on this one, you’ve seen how bad TVC is on missiles, you’d better hope they get it right on aircraft xD
I really hope they make TVC a toggleable feature like how the “Cobra Mode” should be
But honestly anything with a better radar would be absolutely amazing for Russia
One more piece to the F-22 puzzle
I saw there were 600+ replies over the past day, so I revised the thread carefully in hopes of finding something of substance.
I should have known better.
They also just need to fix the R-77, that is the source of most of Russia’s top tier issues right now tbh
There ain’t no way they are gonna get proper TVC right
The most you will have gotten was the new bp leak.
Or just add the R-77-1 since that is what Russia actually uses, and not the R-77
Yep! Not like it says much anyway either though, hahah.
It would have the same issues as the R-77, I agree that’s what they should have used, but it wouldn’t actually fix the drag issue, you’d need the R-77M for that
That “leak” might as well just have said “a tank and a plane”
Isn’t the r77m dual stage?
Still has a better sustainer solution and a reduced drag boat tail design
What leak?