It would solve loads of problems with the current sub-trees.
Air has room to go where ground is pretty much caught up. Regardless, we will 100% get top tier aircraft next update. Could be F-2, could be F-18s, etc etc
ground has reached the current day already
air is still 20 years behind, however air is already 2 full BRs above ground in capabilities
Turns out tanks don’t stand much of a chance against guided missiles from 15km out and 5km up, the thing ground can do to catch up is add better AA systems
there is a problem with that
around 30 years ago the Idea of increasing the range of a Portable AA system to keep up with the troops was finally dropped
modern SPAAs are only for short range air defence
the systems that exist with the range to defend against the type of weapon commonly used in Ground RB are quickly movable but stil stationary Emplacements like Patriot or S-300
there is no justifiable way to introduce an S-300 or Patriot system as a Vehicle into Warthunder
I propose instead of crying over SPAAs not being good enough (it cannot be changed) instead ground players should have an easier time spawning interceptor/Fighter type aircraft with a pure anti air loadout instead
because no SPAA can match the air defence capabilities of a Eurofighter
It’s a pain for both sides tbh, I know that there are many ground players already fed up with how dominant aircraft are, but equally as an air player I want to be able to do more than just air superiority, I want strike missions in RB so that I can use the cool A2G weaponry available to me, and I want better A2G weapons to use in that regard
I mean, they could just limit CAS range and capabilities to a reasonable level instead of letting planes dominate in Ground Battles.
But as far as we know Gaijin is looking into SPAAs and SAMs with longer ranges and capabilities to match the CAS we currently have.
yes yes, but imo that can only be achived in a balancable way by bringing Air RB to ground RB
allow all players above Rank 5 to spawn a Random interceptor, or one they brought
armed only with HE gun ammo and AAMs at a Low spawn cost with some limitation, let’s say you have to spawn at least 2 tanks first and a plane is then 150SP and if you run out of tanks but haven’t yet used your interceptor it becomes free to use once
but then you’d have to essentially ban every aircraft made after 1970
and Banning is never a good option
there are no SPAAs with longer ranges than what we have in game
these systems do not exist
You mean a combined arms game mode? The issue is that A2G weapons are too good for ground RB and practically useless in air RB.
The way I’d want to do it is by having different weapons available between air and ground game modes, and introducing an improved version of EC to air RB (and obviously SB)
those ain’t SPAAs
they’re immovable during operation, they’re anti air Emplacements
They’re still planning on adding them
No need to ban the planes, just to limit their armament.
Even if longer ranges SPAAs don’t exist, there still are longer ranged SAMs as well as SPAAs with point defence/ICWS capabilities
if we see a Patriot or an S-300 in game that will mean the introduction of FAR FAR better Air to ground weapons would be required to reach a sort of balance
I’m talking Brimstone ARH and Storm shadow
will still be worse than current air vs ground condition, cas can always easily “dodge” arh missile by going low to multipath after detecting a missile launch while cas can just easily launch their fnf 20km a2g missile and most tank will not know it and therefore cant defend against it
now if gaijin just add realistic multipathing to ground rb that will even the playing field
That is what I would want, like I said I want a air game mode where I can use them and I want the better A2G weapons to be available to me
They said that they would be looking into ESM (and probably ECM as well) to give CAS a fighting chance against better AA. No need for even stronger A2G weapons.