Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion

If they modeled all that extra stuff as steel, it would still help

I just want to point out that Apex Predators brought the F-16A/Mig-29, then the next update, Sky Guardians, brought the Pantsir. However, it also brought the F-16AJ for Japan as they missed out on the prior update.

In other words, there is a chance for F-2 and other top tier aircraft along with a bit of ground focus (my money is on SPAA stuff). It’s copium of course, but it’s at least an educated huff of copium lol


Slamraam, F-2, and something Russian like a certain flanker variant, as well as something to compensate for lack of December US vehicle

Remember the whole LFP DU fiasco from 2023? Gaijin would essentially be contradicting themselves to not put the DU hull on the SEPV3.

Besides, we know it has it. Gaijin has no reason not to model it.

Nah, Definetly going to be Singaporian F-15 next update :P


But yeah, really no reason to not add the F-2 at this point other than the extra dev time it takes to add new vehicles

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That F-15 has solid chance and good reason to go to US. I do hope Japan gets their rightful F-2 soon though, especially when the Rafale of all jets gets an AESA

Looks at most other nation top tier MBTs

If only that was the case

Will be another PW-229 situation if they don’t give it better armor

True, any other nation we just get told to stop complaining. US though. It gets fixed.

Aim-9M, 229 engines, etc.

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Except that America is one of the three most popular nations in the game and the tadpoles that play the Click-Bait would riot (because a YouTuber told them to)

Yes and no. I can’t pen an T-80 frontal with the XM-800 but if i check I am confident i can go through the abrams Turret ring.

Hey you. Remember when you said something similar about the Thai Gripen?

Zip it and don’t give them more ideas >:D

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Which is why they should add BOL to US F-15’s. Would benefit everyone in the end



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Maybe, though 4x BOL on the F-14B and no fix there.

Not as many people play the F-14B though, it’s not all that tbh. Now, the F-15C and E, people could really rally behind



Yes and no. If this was really the case the turret ring wouldn’t be a problem. HSTV-L would have delta 6, Abrams would have 829A4, ect.

What is delta 6?

At least for the 229 and 9M, there was a good case to add them. 829A4 is simply too much for game right now

XM885 delta6 variation of the round.

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