Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I mean there are the CFT double pylons for the AIM-120 on the F-15C (which we should have gotten when the su27sm got double r77 pylons), BOL pods which should already be on C and logically the E, and also the advanced eagles which can carry 12 amraams without the CFT double pylons

The radars, which will beat the one on Rafale and gripen E, and will likely beat the CAPTOR-E in about everything but how much it can turn (though apparently Rafale AESA can do 140 deg so possible for US one to have that or more?)

Hornets I doubt will every really be meta, and vipers might do well if they put the E at 14.0 and V/C PoBIT at 14.3

The double pylons haven’t really been used until the F-15EX though right, whereas they were common on the SU-27, just like how the Eurofighter could get double AMRAAM wing pylons but IIRC only the Spanish really use them.

As you can see that is an F-15C


When was this though? I’m assuming recent as with the F-15EX, the usage of the F-15 has changed, much less focus on being able to dogfight, this would be a very modern version I’m guessing?

Yes, they are pretty recent. Seeing as we have a 2021 mirage though, this should be no issue

Those are just carrying racks, cannot be shot.


The bottom ones on the CFT? Which were iirc made to launch weapons from? I know the quad racks can’t do it

iirc yeah. (Talking about the quads)

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Ah ok. So the CFT amber racks (pretty sure that’s what they’re called) may be able to fire amraams, probably are able to since they bothered to put them there in the first place

Can’t deny the possibility that the don’t though, you’d need to prove it for Gaijin to implement it

There’s a certain aircraft I could name that’s in game with full combat capability when everyone knows it didn’t even come close irl. No reason why F-15C couldn’t get this, less of a stretch compared to that

True, but they don’t play make believe with real aircraft, they only do that with prototypes and paper vehicles

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Has anyone got any theories why they removed the Israeli starter premiums ?

They weren’t selling, it’s the reason they remove all premiums, they then bring them back for “special events” to artificially increase demand and end up likely selling more overall

But that probably is a prototype, so by your logic still should get it

Well that would be logical but for air the 84F is garbage and the only other premium is the Kfir.

wdym the m51 ?

Huh? The F-15C and EX aren’t prototypes

Those amber racks are though afaik

and the Spitfire yes both are now gone from the store