Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I wonder if they will add AESA hornet to give it a chance vs eft and rafale and F-15

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Maybe not that high. Definitely we can split hairs about what goes where but the Arietes need to go down, the Chally’s need to be just above them, and everything else needs to go above that.

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Well if it’s at 12.7 it doesn’t need AESA.
Or if they move the Typhoons to 14.3

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12.7?? Are you taking about the F-18A?

Maybe… Or maybe I just want to see the higher part of the game to suffer.

STRV-122B+ and Leopard 2A7s then we have just behind them the T-90M
The combination of armour/spall liners (what a stupid decision it was to add spall liners) fire power make them the best tanks in the game by a pretty large margin

making the french upset is a bonus yes. but I don’t want soviet rustbuckets in the British tree, if I wanted to play USSR vehicles id be playing USSR

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… add spall liners to one vehicle in the game completely disregarding the “we have no Russian bias” claims and only adding in liners for other nations after the community got rightfully annoyed at it.

I’m still waiting for liners on the Challengers and Chieftains. And TTD. And some other vehicles.


Well, if it is going to be a top tier vehicle (which I doubt) it’ll need that radar to compete against everything else there

Well the A version is going to be 12.3 or 12.7
The A+ is most likely going to be 13.0 along with the C
And the E has to be 13.7 as an analogue to the Su-27SM

If you want the Su-30 and Rafale, then you need to play USSR and France

The A+ and C would have to be at least 13.3, there’s no reason for them to share the same BR as stuff like the AMRAAM Harriers, the JA37DI and F-4F ICE

Yes. India isnt close enough to the rest of the British commonwealth to be valid in the British tree


Oh no, you would have to play the nations that are known for these vehicles, what a surprise

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Ironically F4F ice might be better than A+, due of CM amount, being faster. But less missiles and not that maneuvrable

The snail decided you get them at a BR of another nation where they couldn’t be any less needed

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A+, sure, I could see them giving it an appropriate loadout to just fit 13.0, but ideally both the A+ and C should be at least 13.3

Can we get a british subtree in the indian tree pls thx?


War thunder in 2026 be like

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Idk 13.0 with 10 amraams and a solid FM is a bit low. Id say 13.3 or 13.7 for the C. 13.7 or 14.0 for the E aswell