I agree, if the UK is to get a legacy Hornet I hope it’s the CF-188, as the Aussies also have Supers they can bring so CF-188 - Aussie Super would be ideal if you ask me.
But I doubt a Commonwealth Hoernt is coming to the game at all now, as the UK is likely to get a Soviet plane more. At most the Aussie one as a US event
In the example I was referring to, the ZA Gripen, there are indigenous options. For the F-35, there aren’t, so clearly that is a very different scenario.
Britain rn for CAS feels really ass, considering the only plane that gets AGM is the SA Gripen. None of the other vehicles in the tech tree have AGMs. The only option is Brimstones but those aren’t fire and forget. RAAF didn’t use AGM-65s, well that’s what a quick Google search says. The Canadian CF18 did use AGM65s.
(I’m salty that majority of other nations have fire n forget AGMs, and that I have to purchase 4.5mill SL worth of Tornados.)