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btw, Roland 1/2 systems only have generation 1 IRT which doesnt give any ranging information. is this correct?
otherwise how would a computer calculate optimal interception course based only on a single vector and a relative direction

They only have a IR flare localizer, that does not provide any video feed, only calculates spread and intensity of IR flares (2 of them at the back of the missile) to calculate the distance of the missile.

what about range to target?

Search radar. Probably some optic feed too, but mainly search radar.

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i assumed that feature was tracking radar exclusive but nice to know

Many spaa can track targets using their search radar. Some are better at it, some worse. You get nearly identical data (MSA search radar mostly struggle with altitude of the target) as with track radar, but it is limited by the amount of times radar goes over the target (RPM)

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Yes, a bad BR means the vehicle under performs, but it does not mean that the BR of the vehicle is wrong, should we just lower all 13.0 vehicles to 12.7 until top tier goes to 14.3, do we then do the same to 13.3?

As I said the issue is with the matchmaker not the BR of the vehicle, the solution is BR decompression, not pushing the issue down onto lower BRs

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The Italian Lynxes most likely will get Italian unmanned turrets.

as it is the case for Kfir C10 ;)

you fancy reading the rest or are you just going to cherry pick, as I already stated the vehicle is at the correct BR, the matchmaker is just compressed, that means it suffers where it is, but other vehicles suffer more if you move it down.

It is already one of the better 13.0 vehicles, it would be far and away the best 12.7 vehicle, your issue is that you’re comparing it to 14.0 vehicles and that isn’t how BR placement does or should work

Because do you know what else suffers, every 13.0 vehicle, it’s a defining characteristic of the BR right now


i did read it, just ignore it bc i dont take any argument from guy thats talking out of his ass about something he clearly doesnt play and therefor has no clue how it plays out.

and talking about compression and decompression has been one of the biggest point for the ARB community and yet nothing happend. so its useless to mention it

brother what?

F14A with more and better fox1 and 3s
F16A with a far better Flight model and usefull Fox1 and the same Fox2s (9L and P3 are the same seeker wise)
or mig29s with a better Flight model and the best fox1

Yk what the only thing is c10 would had over those?
at max 4 of the worst Fox3s in the game, congrats dude

so please stop talking out your ass about something you have no clue about

You claim Phoenixes to be better than Derbys, but you accuse us of “talking out of our asses” lmao


bc unlike derbys they hit targets beyond 20km :)

derbys neither have goo drange nor do they have good close range pull while being a 40g missile, dotn get me wrong derbys ofc can work and hit stuff at 10km but thats just not happen often at the br it sits

Bro what

Tho, why are derbys are bad at ranges? is that because of their autopilot or drag?

Player feedback BR change this week ? 🤔

I suppose at least 10 fighter aircraft decompress max BR to 14.3

4 fighter aircraft rank 8 up to 14.0 if received new gen WVR Air-to-Air Missile (except F-16C/D Block 40 Barak II and JAS 39 Gripen C from SAAF lose medium-range Air-to-Air Missile only)

Kfir C.10 (Block 60 standard) no Python 4 and I-Derby ER

But I don’t mind gajin increase max BR higher 13.0

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they dont have a sustainer and high drag

Mostly because of the autopilot. Lofts too high

I can dodge a phoenix by flying straight and pitching up some, you cannot do that to a derby. If you consider a missile that weighs hundreds of KG more than the derby and pulls 17Gs (almost never because it doesn’t have enough fin AOA, realistically averages about 6Gs) to be better you are arguing in bad faith.


Gaijin are slow to decompress but they have done it, and even if they are slow at it it doesn’t take away from the fact that that is the issue.

And you keep bringing up the AIM-54, but the Derby is better, I have spent plenty of time playing both the F-16D and SAAF Gripen, the missile while worse than its equivalents is fine

if range was the only metric, then yes, the AIM-54 would be better, but the Derby is better within 15km, play to the vehicle’s strengths, not every vehicle is going to be meta, that doesn’t mean they’re bad