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But also Australian Super Hornet with 9X so it’s more like a two for one

who do you reckon?

I won’t name and shame but just as a thought props a regular German main here

The Aussie Hornet with ASRAAMs and Python 4s is the one I’m more interested in.

how about we get aussie hornet with pyhton 4 and/or asraam, you guys get CF-18 standard, and then you guys get aussie super hornet with 9x?

that way, you get standard hornet you guys want so bad, and later on a super hornet

and get the Growler too

dont have an issue with that, iirc no one in NATO actually has a counterpart to it so i think its fine if you guys get one too

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That is… agreeable.

And likely the best-case scenario right this moment.

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is it over? has a solution acceptable by both sides been acheived?

No, there will never be a complete agreement.

This also why the Aussie one make sense as we would hopefully get their whole series instead of maybe one or two CF’s variants from the Canadians which could be fine as a non tech tree aircraft for the US.

whole series for hornets or super hornets?

As in standard Hornets, legendary, Super, and Growler

what is a legendary hornet?

You don’t know the Legend of the Hornet?

is it even more multirole or something?

It’s made for air, ground, and naval combat all in one.


It’s like a duck.

truly a marvel of modern engineering