Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I’ll concede Orkney, but the Shetlands we keep

If you look at it from what UK mains actually want, they just want a hornet. The CF-18 would give the same gameplay as a USN/USMC F-18C. This would fill the role perfectly for the UK tree. Now, the Australian one can carry python 4 and asraam. This would give it a different gameplay to a degree, making it well suited for the US as a squadron or event vehicle since we will already be getting a regular F-18C

Hmmmm, deal

But consider this, I’m selfish and want the ASRAAM all to myself, the US didn’t want it back then, well they can’t have it now :P

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Consider that you guys could get an AESA CF-18 with 9X block 2 in the future

And consider that the US will also get an AESA F-18 with 9x block 2 in the future so it would be pointless in our tree, just like the older CF-18

It would be a nice trade

I guess Smin blacklisted me for this 😭


Where can you see it? )))))

I know who the other one might be lmao

here, please don’t blacklist me as well; I still have potential

Better Whisky in Orkney

But also Australian Super Hornet with 9X so it’s more like a two for one

who do you reckon?

I won’t name and shame but just as a thought props a regular German main here

The Aussie Hornet with ASRAAMs and Python 4s is the one I’m more interested in.

how about we get aussie hornet with pyhton 4 and/or asraam, you guys get CF-18 standard, and then you guys get aussie super hornet with 9x?

that way, you get standard hornet you guys want so bad, and later on a super hornet

and get the Growler too

dont have an issue with that, iirc no one in NATO actually has a counterpart to it so i think its fine if you guys get one too

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That is… agreeable.

And likely the best-case scenario right this moment.

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is it over? has a solution acceptable by both sides been acheived?

No, there will never be a complete agreement.