Happy new year.🥳
to you too
to you all
Sweden needs new aircraft lol, besides seeing some of the unique modified vehicles would be cool
Also M4 priest pls gibjin
☹️ sad
In one way or another, every nation in game can get Canadian-built vehicles.
Thru either themselves or a related nation/sub-tree.
considering the promise to add the BMD to the Soviet TT, I hope the gaijin will remember that along with it, the ZBD03 can be added for China
Honestly i just want more fun low BR stuff, early cold war also. Top tier is cool but the lower BR’s are way more fun
Same, I primarily play WW2(ground), so anything added to that is what I look forward to the most.
Technically Sweden do have Denmark and Norway, just not much of them
I need actual finnish vehicles. Ive given up hope of seeing Danish stuff considering how the war went lol. So i need the Sturmi so badly. Outside that i just stick to France, Russia, and Italy for ground
The bare minimum counterpart for Kh-38 on an actual fighter platform would be GBU-53 on the F-15E and F-16C and I think also the AV-8B
Hence why I want them as not only Poland has a wide range in service options but also in terms of subs too
They don’t have them. Smin said they aren’t confirmed so they can go anywhere. Its why i haven’t done any Danish vehicle suggestions. I have no interest until gaijin gives me an idea as to where my home nation will be. Imo it should be with the other Nordic nations on sweden but gaijin makes those choices.
By the way, at what speed can the GBU-53 be used?
I mean, the CL-13 situation is the same for both Germany and Italy id imagine.
Mosquito is just a Canadian licensed and modified Variant built for China.
But I get what you mean
The issue is, where else could they go, I don’t think anyone in their right mind puts Danish and Norwegian vehicles anywhere but Sweden
Probably anything mach 1 or below. However since it’s a glide bomb with control surface and everything it may be able to launch above mach, idk for sure though
i really dont need to go to my book marks for german players asking for Denmark just so they could get the F16AM since their logic was some of us speak Deutsch
One of the few good features of the new wiki is you can easily sort by operator country
Canada | Operator country | War Thunder Wiki
Canada is split across 3 trees, but it is mostly British (as it should be)