Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion

Two months.

i’m wondering to how many more updates they will delay the F-2 for.
I sure hope it comes in march with the F-18, Gripen, J-10B etc… Otherwise Japan will be the only nation without a top tier plane.

I predict now MiG-29SMT izdeliye 9-19 lack R-73M

The ultimate fulcrum for soviet/russia tech tree

I suppose MiG-35S battle rating 14.7 or 15.0 minimum

But russian air force service ?

After MiG-29SMT (9-19) ?

MiG-29M2 armed with R-74M and R-77-1, right ?

It’s slightly lighter, but the engines are the same since they were also upgraded to 220E (equal to the 220s in the F-15C).
Not enough to be as good at F-15E, but enough to be slightly superior to the current F-15C.

Is that a British vehicle candidate?!

Laughs in British

I can easily see an F/A-18A limted to AIM-7Ms as a prem or squadron at like 13.0 for the US. I can also just as easily see the F-14D being one or the other as well.


F-14D would be good as a squadron vehicle but I hope it doesn’t come as premium. We don’t need another of the best version of an aircraft locked as a premium. (F-4S) Also the best MiG-21 in the game is the a premium. (Bison)

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How is the F-4J worse than the F-4S? I thought they were the same.

F-4J doesn’t get the manoeuvring slats that the F-4S has got which makes it worse in turning performance.

It’s not a massive difference but it is enough to be noticeable and make the F-4S the better Phantom.

Also the F-4S gets a digital HUD which is a massive improvement over the F-4J in Sim battles

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Thanks for the answer, all my life I thought that they were completely identical.

An premium Hornet would sell so hard

Anything to get me a pre AMRAAM Hornet in game, but probs not on release, maybe in December like with the SU-33

Honestly a premium F/A-18A wouldn’t be that bad. Would be around 13.0 - 13.3 with Sparrows + 9M’s.

If like the past leak says and Gaijin are skipping the F/A-18A and going straight for the C then it could come as a premium.

I personally think it should have come as a squadron vehicle alongside the Su-33 which would have paired nicely, both naval aircraft, Fox 1 and 2 limited, and similar missile counts. Then in the future get the Su-30+F/A-18C together for the tech trees.

13.0 as it gets 8 missiles at most, either 6 AIM-9 + 2 AIM-7, or 2 AIM-9 + 4 AIM-7, so it’s objectively worse than the F-15A, more comparable to the F-16A for Belgium, both are 13.0

If the next update is naval fighter focused we could potentially see the Rafale M too, and here’s me wishing for the F-14D Super Tomcat but I really don’t know what’s gonna happen to it now

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It’s not such a powerful plane, just an improved MIG-29, so won’t be that high, 13.7 or 14.0 would be fine, even with R-77-1 since its flight performance is still much worse than things like Typhoon. so as MIG-29M/M2. though, R-73M or R-74 is another hard problem, don’t know how it will influence the game, so I ignore it in this situation.

if it is naval fighter focused then for Britain I hope for:

  • SHars to finally be finished
  • British ramped carrier maybe? Even if its just for test flight
  • Sea-Vixen FAW1 with a gunpod for the TT
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Is there anything to actually indicate it being naval fighter focused beyond the Hornet & Su30 in that decal?

Maybe we could see the Nimrod that was passed to developers added in a naval focused update for Britain too given it’s job as a maritime patrol aircraft

it would be a laugh, but the only way it would be addable is with its 8x ASRAAM.

Whilst that would be hilarious, it might be a tad on the OP side