Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion

Yea I don’t know. It was an odd choice to add the Thai sub-tree this update but it is what it is. I’m hoping just like Apex Predators, since they skipped out on Japan, we’ll get something in March but eh…

That’s what we got told because we got the F-15J(M). I feel like people are forgetting that we aren’t asking for F-2 because it’s gonna be top dog, we want it because it’s F-2. So the F-15J(M) existing doesn’t matter at all.

It’s just funny. Time and time again Gaijin says no F-2 because AESA, but then they add AESA and say absolutely nothing about F-2, even going as far as to avoid discussion either on forums or in live chats that they are actively monitoring (and answering!). Obviously they know something we don’t but, maybe they’re also just avoiding the discussion because we won’t like the answer (i.e. it’s not coming soon).


If Gaijin doesn’t push it back even more, hopefully next update is another air focused one with the F-2 being one of the standout additions.


The Thai subtree was for Japanese CAS really, I don’t think any of their aircraft have guided A2G munitions so it’s more surprising they didn’t do something sooner

Yea but adding it in the December updates of all updates as opposed to say the last one which was very CAS focused with F-15E and Su-34.

Note also how the Benelux and Hungary sub-trees got a teaser spotlight, while the Thai ones were surprisingly missing.

Has to be March, other nations need a 14.0, Russia included.

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That is true, I think it would have made a good March update as well, but December was a weird one now that you mention it

I would expect it’s over the next two updates that we see everyone get a 14.0 as it requires at least 3 more likely 4 aircraft, those being:

F/A-18C or JAS 39E for Sweden
SU-30SM (with Russian missile fixes) for Russia
J-11B or J-10B for China
You would also expect the F-2 but it isn’t technically necessary

I would expect both, since both were leaked.

Only speaking on what is necessary, I would welcome both but only one is needed to get China to 14.0


Correct. Because Japan is getting another F-15J instead!
Yippee! Another 400k+ rp for what’s effectively an identical aircraft! Yay!

Not suprising when i see all the other things missing/being unfinished on Thai Aircrafts

But yeah, for what we got, it was really just mediocre for the “Big” Dezember update.
Would have been a bedder addition for a smaller major.

I think the JDS Yubetsu with harpoon missiles would have been more fitting for the “Big” Dezember update, introducing a Larger Vessel with ASM for Naval.

Anti-ship missiles are probably the one thing that could get me into naval battles, I mean I am literally playing Sea Power right now xD

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F-2 is not likely to come overly soon. Japan just got a subtree with new stuff, the Hornet is essentially confirmed to be next patch and they absolutely don’t want to waste too much hype in a single patch, especially when the F-2 itself is both very hyped and essentially end of the line, and so on.

It’s confirmed for next year, but the big updates are usually June and December, it’s probably just as likely if not more to be June not March

F-15DJ, it has jdams, have fun

I would be skeptical and say the plane would be introduced after the US has even better planes, since it is clear that these are not going to compete with eurofighters.

If you use 10 Aim-120s on the hornet, say goodbye to being able to go Mach. The Hornet is a slow POS.

That goes to the F-35.

Let’s also not ignore the multiple F-2 variants and prototypes.

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Even without the F-35, however, there are multiple iterations of the F-2, so the first one wouldn’t be the last.

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