Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

And some people still struggle with said announcements about India lol

Ferret swingfire

Argus? what’s that? Googling it isn’t bringing anything up.

Boooooo jordan is basically just british hand me downs let us have this one

Why are you so transfixed on this?


30mm ADEN and Vigilant ATGM

@Smin1080p_WT When could we see some news on CM.5 ? I know it’s a tad early but it would break up that long silence from now till march

Damn and blast…

Falcon Turret when

The matter is resolved since you guys got your answer, let’s not steer away from the main topic even more.

We already had one this month. So it shouldn’t be expected anytime soon at all really. They generally come where there is some downtime between majors. Just this time we had two major updates in quick succession.

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Could ask why hienapunk hate on british mains, since that how this all started lol

Fair answer thank you and have a good christmas m8

It’s so ugly, I love it already. (it’s tall but flat at the same time, and it floats! it’s just keeps getting better)



You too.

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any chance of the EAP coming?

They operate vehicles from the US, France, Belgium, Italy, South Africa, China, The USSR, Japan, Germany and The Netherlands.

So no

Theres always one

Smite him


Oh god

Your a solid 4 months too early for this joke.


I try too m8 : )