Yugo probably won’t be included in Poland, but why would Czechia lead? And Slovakia is mad, Czechoslovakia maybe could but Poland still makes more sense to me
Well, Czechoslovakia is historically way more important to such a tree than Poland. If we have to go with the successor states either Czechia or Slovakia would lead. Not to forget that if the tree was to start at WW2, Poland would be almost non-existant until the Cold War era.
But since ingame we have the USSR and not Russia I would expect an eastern European tree to be listed as Czechoslovakia and not Poland.
You realise Czechoslovakia fell to Germany before Poland did right? And Poland wasn’t a part of the USSR any more than Czechoslovakia was, they’re both ex Warsaw Pact states, which is why Yugoslavia probably wouldn’t be involved as that wasn’t part of the Warsaw Pact
Israel use the spyder
I thought they only exported it, like the Derby, they use the patriot for forward air defence
no no no no no no no no no no no
South Korea as a subtree is an awful decision. It would force North Korea to be a subtree as well, which ruins a) the diversity of vehicles in a United Korean tree and b) ruins the potential for nations like Pakistan to come to China.
Yes, Czechoslovakia fell to Germany before Poland, but that doesn’t change the fact that Czechoslovakia is more historically significant for such a tree than Poland.
Also, if the tree starts after WW2 it would be better to just call it the Warsaw Pact tree.
Yeah, pretty sure the SPYDER is export only
Israel has started to use them recently, but yea, originally intended for export.
Agree. Independent Korean tech tree. No talks about korea being sub-tree thats big no no.
And hear everyone complain again just like Israel got
who will complain?
Give me the arguments why people complain.
C&P will complain as they always do and anti new nations people, don’t try and hide it.
The thing is, I don’t see how an Independent Korean tree would be more fit for the game than an Independent Indian tree.
And where you will put the Korean sub tree?
Nowhere, not every nation has to be in the game
Say that to people who make suggestions for sub trees.
It isn’t, but there basically isn’t anyone as good as India to add as a full TT, and yet we’ve had new full nations confirmed, so it has to be someone, and combined Korea is as good a guess as any
Where Lockheed, Boeing, Northrop Grumman subtree for US?
Don’t know why people are complaining about copy paste nowadays, considering there’s literally no importance about what vehicle is in what nation, since a. we have a mixed nations matchmaker, often with the same nation on both sides, and b. most nations already have copy paste vehicles in the form of subtree vehicles.
There’s no harm in adding small trees like Israel at this point, it has no impact to the game, and at least will allow them to be a bit more unique as well.