Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)


upper rightish area

That’s the Korean model, owned by Ravn/Air USA. The actual American hawk is the T-45 Goshawk.

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bro VT-1 missile not working anymore! lol

what to do now, i cant kill a jet in 5km away

I had no problems with them.



You love to see it.

Again GIFs | Tenor

I guess it will be some T54 or M551 variant


The last t54 being a bp vehicle would suck.

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So, no ship? Will they put a box with previous rewards again?

That’s the new normal.


So probably a ship crate this time?


Hayanami or Type K-8 please

Most likely yes. And this will be the worst decision.
Waiting for months again to see an exclusive BP ship. But instead we get a terrible box… This is the worst decision a snail can make.

i wish they would add the Mig25. its long over due and to the people that say “Oh it would just be a missle bus and nothing else” have you played top tier? UNLESS you are a missle buss you cant compete so it would be perfect

It wouldn’t be a top tier jet but it would be pretty interesting jet to have like 12.0ish, would be a pain in the arse to balance though, kinda like the F-104A

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I mean i also dont know if the Mig25 has some special missles so 12.0 would seam reasonable. definitly higher than the mig23 tho

MiG-23 can dogfight which is still important at the BR, the MiG-25 has the R-40 which is sort of in the same ballpark as the Sadjeel on the F-14 IRAIF, though IDK about how many Gs it can pull.

You have the option between MiG-25P or PD as well as between the R-60 and R-60M for fine tuning balance so exactly where they could put it is a bit of a mystery

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One more magach?

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