Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

If you really want to bolster British air then India, Canada, or Australia are the ways to go, maybe Saudi Arabia too

Talking LAVs, India has gotten a Stryker production license recently. Cursed Stryker with a BMP 2 turret when Indian MOD?

Speaking off Saudi, I’m surprised we haven’t gotten their Tornado yet in any form since they are Ex RAF ones

Yeah, a premium Tornado for Britain could be nice for grinding, and just to have in general, I could see the Saudi Eurofighters coming too, much later down the line

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True, though a squadron vehicle has no rules now as was stated with the JF-17.
So I could see them being added either mid year or end of the year.

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Cheetah C has 4, same as the Kfir C.10. the SAAF just normally ran 2 for cost cutting reasons.
The suggestion has more details.


True, that was only 0.3 BR down from top tier at the time, we’d have to see something major come though, even with a laxer approach I don’t see them adding the generally accepted best aircraft as a squadron vehicle

Fair enough, would likely end up at 13.0 then same as the C.10 just worse xD

Eh, iirc the biggest difference would be the engine is worse thrust wise (significantly worse actually).

Worse radar too right, and the R-Darter is slightly worse than the Derby though not by much

EL-2032 PD radar vs the EL-2052 AESA of the C-10. There’s not much of a difference really the EL-2032 is still a pretty good radar, if you wanted an in-game example the C.10 was added to the game with it at first before being switched to the ASEA. Pre-A upgrade Tejas Mk1s have it too.

In game they’re identical iirc.

well, the R-Darter definitely weighs 2kg more, I can’t speak to the other differences of the top of my head, the missile spreadsheet would clear that up though

I just thought of a new update idea called “HEAT TRACKING” any thoughts? Like, maybe for the SUMMER update?

We already have IR guided weaponry tho


we already have an update called “Hot Tracks”

Is the +EF-2000 better than the F-15E?


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like 2 times as better?

no, just a bit better