Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

So this is overall a meaningless comparison to the F-84G, as that too fills a role and a gap.

Not just a fighter role. Fuji T-1A/B/C, Kawasaki T-33A, Kawasaki XT-4, De Havilland D.H.115 Vampire T.55 and Nakajima Ki-201 planes are not only fighters but also CAS planes.

But then why does it take over 6 years to fix gaps for Japan.

All of these Thai vehicles are C&P and most of them ingame for years, then why did it take so long to finally fill these gaps?

There is no fighter between 7.0 - 8.3. Only 3 strike aircraft that are being removed soon + 1 Thai thingy.

That it is the problem for nations like Japan.
There was a lot of paper designs during the war, some of them was builded like Ki-64, Kikka, Mansyu Ki-98 (which was destroyed to prevent from capture, no photo exists), etc. And some of designs which failed to prototype status. Gaijin simply dont want to add paper designs now. The only things they added was fictional R2Y2 series (which is their design). And also Ho-Ri which was wooden mock-up.

The Alpha jets and F-16 / Gripen were key to the sub tree. The Alpha jets joined the game just last year a few updates before Thailand was added. 6 Years ago Japans top tier was the T-2, one of the best aircraft in the game at the time. So the majority of the now current Thai sub tree could not have been added back then.


In comparison, the only difference in armament between the T-33A and F-84G is 4 M2 machine guns. So they both fulfill the same CAS role

What about more unique Thai options like their A-37, T-50TH or the final iterations of Alpha Jet TH (Phase 2) or F-5TH?

There are waaay more designs.

Grzegames, Wreckingares and me have made lots of suggestions, i would highly suggest checking these out - they are pretty interesting!

With Thailand’s addition to the game, there was no reason not to introduce the F-84G, which forfills the role better than the T-33 and does not prevent any future additions.

Fingers crossed for the P6M Seamaster.


This, just boring C&P and these unique frames will be premium, battlepass and event, because Japan lacks these premiums at these br’s.

We haven’t ruled out any of these vehicles in the future.

Yeah i know.

Which “future additions”?
Japan only gets 1 or perhaps 2 vehicles per update on average.
8 years ago, they were talking about these “future additions”, yet they still haven’t made it to the game yet.

So how long do we have to wait for these “future additions”?

I mean you just said it yourself; they’re coming 1 - 2 at a time, sometimes more

Which is 2-3x less then most other nations.

it is a shame that the F-2 was not added, Given the main thing holding it back was AESA and we now have 2 aircraft with AESA. A Gripen C C&P instead of the native aircraft they actually wanted.

Im getting Deja Vu


It’s pretty average for minor nations I think, maybe a bit less but they have been in game a lot longer

No offense, but gaijin has already confirmed that when adding a subtree, it completely excludes native vehicles. A good example is the UK and its light tanks and SPAA. There is still no tracked rapier and a large number of classic British armored cars.

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This is forum.
We give suggestions, community managment passes it to devs.
Developer chooses what to add and what not.