Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)


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Time to send everyone on my contact happy new year for the second time this year.

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Happy Chinese New Year my friend!!
Make it wonderful!!


Happy Chinese New Year.

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I was being sarcastic, mate.

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Hi @Smin1080p_WT

Per this quote, is there any more information available regarding the extent to these changes? Can/Should we expect a broader radar adjustment across different platforms?

I have also asked in the past whether we can expect American top tier jets like the F-16C, F-15C, and F-15E to get their respective AESA radar upgrades on their existing platforms, or if we should expect new separate variants (eg. F-16C “Late”, F-15C “Late”, etc.) to come after them. Seeing as we got the AESA radar on the Rafale, the PESA radar on the Su-34, and will more than likely get the PESA radar of the Su-30SM in the future, I am curious about the future of US top tier. If there is no info on this yet, no worries. Just curious :)


What’re you going to post on the 4th of July lol

Abrams probably given that mbts is their thing and they pretty much all have at least one issue

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Yeah pretty much. Hoping for an F-15 missing BOL mention though lol

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Oh, I do this pretty much 365 days a year lmao

As a matter of fact, allow me to;

Regarding the Abrams MBTs:

1- Still missing a properly modelled volumetric turret ring.
2- Still missing proper fuel tank bulkhead plates’ thicknesses.
3- Still missing proper fuel tank bulkhead armor geometries/plates.
4- SEP and SEPv2 still missing the improved turret armor.
5- SEPv2 still unable to take off the dead weight called TUSK II.
6- M1A1 AIM still missing its historical KE-W A2 shell even though other Abrams tanks at the exact same BR use M829A2, which is even better.
7- M1A2 SEPv2 still missing its historical M829A3 shell for no particular reason even though Gaijin officially stated that it would still be balanced (at least that new shell would make it feel like an actual upgrade in ONE aspect…)


Better start drafting the 4th of July one now then

The M1s all also have an erroneous Hydraulic “pump” location.


Ah, true, forgor about that!

Usually I’m not one to entertain myself with USA main cope but the hydraulic pump is genuinely stupid.

Hydraulic pump fixed + turret ring fixed and boom the Abrams is much better

And those pesky fuel tank bulkheads, out of all of the issues that’s the one that I dislike the most

Oh god ! 😮

39 massages to part 2

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I’ve been doing my part lol, I’m sure @BearHasLanded has been too

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Canadian and Australian Hornet you say : P

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CF-18 UK, AU F-18C to US (asraam), AU Super Hornet/growler to UK.

Or ideally just keep F-18 to US and Sweden since outside of finland no confirmed subtree or main tree operates it

EF-18A to Italy (premium)?

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