Anyway. Hopefully typhoon in December. Would give us an equal to the F-15E
Is the F-15E (The basis of the F-15I) being proven to be capable of utilising Mavericks enough to suggest this armament? The only real reason Israeli jets don’t use Mavericks in real life is because Israel never bought them. But as far as I know that’s not an actual consideration as long as compatibility is proven to exist. Compatibility is much easier to prove for the F-16C/D Barak as those are just plain export variants of U.S. F-16’s. Thanks for your time.
so like, not a gaijin employee at all? such person was doing the same thing as you are doing right now of not wanting other planes like the su30mki in a tech tree because “other options are better”
I will when they get to use all of these:
Just being the basis of no. As there could have been changes or other technical matters beyond that. If it can be proven in some way the capability remains, was tested or otherwise was possible, then its possible to report.
German main saying britian shouldn’t get a British vehicle is different to a britian main saying Britain shouldn’t get a soviet vehicle
Both are personal opinions and everyone is entitled to one. Someone being a “main” of a nation doesn’t give them a superior opinion over someone else.
Everyone can express an opinion.
not really, both are players and both are going toxic over said vehicles
I’m backed out of this, don’t drag me into it again.
It’s like me saying Germany shouldn’t get the Typhoon because they can get the Swiss F-18 instead. It’s a stupid argument.
Using my benefit of the doubt. I give you 10 minutes and you will be back.
you are legit doing the same with the su-30mki
off topic but do you guys use plagiarism detector for suggestion posts? I have submitted a suggestion post nearly 10 times but it was wrongly removed for plagiarism(suggestion mod said it) even though I didnt steal any content.
He says the typhoon is better, ergo Su30MKI shouldn’t be added
Respectfully you and anyone that was talking to you about the Tornado GR.4 can say what you wish. A debate or discussion of differing personal opinions is entirely fine to take place.
Lets not conflict that with offical statements like the OSA though please.
They do. Plagiat is used in history. Things like pictures or specs can be shared between suggestions.
All suggestions are checked for plagiarism yes.
How? Su-30 has never been in RAF service.
Would rather see the dozen British vehicles added first. If we are taking about Su-30s from India being added then we should have had Typhoons for well over a year by that point and should be looking at later variants like the Typhoon FGR4 first.
add tejas and be done with it, simple))
no need for copypaste slop