Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Britain was the first ever tech tree I got above 6.7 BR for ground.
I’ve become a ten tech tree player since, and no one is saying “Britain shouldn’t get domestic of same BR cause they can get sub-tree.”

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Does this mean, theoretically at least, that any Indian vehicle is possible to be added to Britain?

Cool if so

Heres an interesting question, when is Sweden getting its main Draken armament it used for 30-40 years?
(The falcon missiles)

I will ask every update despite your answer being the same each time

I wonder if, as a. SPAA main, I will get any shiny new toys next update.

I think this should be a separate comment,

Also I like to apologise to Smin for my sudden outburst of anger there and misunderstanding 👍


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Have been in service for years now

The answer has not changed since the previous time it was asked and answered.

I still won’t be expecting the rapier for sometime. It would already be a big ask to come along side the Stormer HVM and then Stormer AD…with the OSA in the mix as well. The likelyhood is it won’t be added for a LONG time. Which is a real shame. Though the priority should be given to top tier and BR 6/7 that still has a gaping chasm

well, one can hope

But people are asking for Mig29Ks this December…when the typhoon could be added with ease. It’s frustrating.

the 2 will probably be with in .3 of a BR of each other, sooooooo yeah I would much rather have a british jet then some cheap modification of a soviet jet


All suggestions are welcome. However as is always the case with every sub tree nation, that nation being present does not mean every vehicle possible to add for them / from them will come.

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Wait, the Falcon missile, as in the AIM-4 Falcon (RB 28)? Wouldn’t that be worse than an AIM-9B? Not saying I’m not for it, but still.

May I ask then- would there be any news in regards to the actual, proper report on this matter? Since it’s been over 2 years by now, I can get why many users (including myself) are being frustrated to the degree of trying to draw attention to it in any possible way. It’s straight out game-breaking and it affects the entirety of a nation’s Top Tier MBTs…

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balance mostly (well mostly cuz su30mki can have comparable armament with), also britain is not britain anymore as you can see since the most competitive plane there isnt even british (SAAF jas39c), even more considering that the typhoons lose in the sheer armament that the indian su-30mki can provide while still having a relatively good AESA radar. Being a “britain purist” wont help anything with the TT competitiveness in the future

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The only real reason December Typhoon may be fine is because we now have the absurdity that is the F-15E/I in ARB and it warrants a very powerful counter all things considered. The Hornet would be a worse aircraft all around. (Compared to the F-15E/I)

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The report itself on the CBR would change status or a developer response would be posted there if there was any critical news to report on the subject.

Depends on the variants/tranches we are discussing here

Su30-MKI has two main variants that I can think of. Typhoon is overall better