Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

A very good brick wall cosplay you have there, commendable.


The cope is strong with this one.



Im pro-subtrees, but india should be its own thing (with Bangladesh and Sri Lanka as subtrees).


No really, India should have their own tree, they don’t fit Britain.


Just to point out.

Yes, as they are currently the sub-tree system is one of the worst things in the game. However, it is still better then Being Ripped Across Multiple Trees. Being used as “filler” for other nations is THEE worst fate a nation could get in game, having none of your vehicles in game would be better.

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Or a very good counterpoint you don’t have a real answer to. 2 times a nation has been put into a nation, only to be removed later.

People still coping about India is wonderful sight lmao

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It really is tbh


Huh i know another nation that also has this mentality, oh look they are there

Exactly, as Britain can chill and have the Canadian Hornet, SA Gripen AND Eurofighter, and India can go somewhere else

Britain mains coping with the complete loss of military relevance is a wonderful sight.

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Well it can’t and won’t so ya all gonna deal with it lol

Ehhhh, I’d be against those, but I guess we kinda agree


A. I’m not a main
B. I’m not coping anything here, just facts lmao

It can’t? Like how Israel wasn’t removed from the US? Like how they don’t have a Merkava?
It can’t? Like how France wasn’t removed from Britain but left a low tier bomber?
It won’t? Like all the other wont’s in this game?

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Hmmm? What do you mean?

can we get the block 1 of the eurofighter

Facts that aren’t facts, if you want to be more accurate. “Facts” that only support the wants of a few rather than benefiting far more people