The aircraft should have been nerfed before coming to the live server. Would have avoided peoples confusion as to if it was historic or not.
Oh wow looks like you don’t understand the content of that post nor the context of why I posted it.
Ignorance is bliss
cry me a river womp
Gaijin can try to stay out of controversy.
Unfortunately they’re kind of inept.
Access OFL 120 F2 like Leclerc S2
But Shard Mk.1 for Leclerc XLR
Sorry, I never saw Shard Mk.1 for C1 Ariete AMV 😔
Fortunately for them though people told them how inept it is before they even officially did anything. So it’s really easy for them to take it back, which the lack of SG 2A4 last update might have been.
too bad its garbage and still worse then DM53
Reject C&P Jets (for now) and embrace japanese WW II “wonderweapons” or C&P WW II props with slight changes in weaponry or fuselage (gib more Schräge Musik plane variantions please)
Did anyone mention J1N1-S/Sa?
I wouldn’t expect devblogs in November if I were you.
However, there is something else that will be here SoonTM. :)
Because the usual “We dont have big enough maps!”, “Foxhound can’t dogfight!”, “Long range missiles = russian bias”, etc.
Also yeah, MiG-25 would be dope, but I imagine if it comes it will be a prem like British Sea Vixen
It better be an actual leak list.
It’s been exactly 1 week since the last update I need my next update fix
No Japanese Subs, clearly a fake.
You cant bring U-boats without Japanese ones.
Oh I-400 my beloved japanese Sub-aircraftcarrier
I hate to be that guy, but I don’t think that is a real leak list.
According to the Lanz-Oddermart formula Gaijin uses for APFSDS shell modelling, SHARD has a penetration of 720mm at point blank… it would literally be the best APFSDS shell ingame; much better than DM53 or any other.
Nah I-201 is where its at
reallife brother