Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I know this sounds out of this world but using Chat gpt actually makes me happier to grind and much more manageable lol

I wait gajin add these guided Air-to-Ground munitions and Sniper XR targeting pod instead LANTIRN AN/AAQ-14 for F-15E in the next major update or the first major update 2025

we dont have any Tranche 4s btw, we simply upgraded our Tranche 2 and 3s to T4 standard through Project Centurion

By the time we are talking about T4 Typhoons in game we might / the upgradeed ones being a seperate addition

You just like… venting to an AI ?

You doing okay, mate? We’re all here for you.

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I really do not understand the entire “Britain is Suffering” notion.
GB is easily the fourth main nation.

Having lineups at almost every br, getting 3-6 vehicles per update on average, having 1 sub-TT already and receiving vehicles from other nations like India, having the best fighter jet at top tier with the Gripen, having good CAS with the Tornado GR.4 / Harrier GR.7 and the JAS39C.

The only thing GB is kinda lacking is top tier naval, but even then, the rest of naval is pretty good, better then France, Japan and Italy.

If considering GB as a “minor nation”, it’s the BEST cared-for minor nation, exponentially. Receiving on average more then 2-3 times the amount of content then all other minor nations.


I doubt we will get any Tranche 4s

if we do order more Typhoons they will likely be Tranche 5 or above, no point in ordering an outdated model

No no lol.

I’m using it like a gauge so I’m grinding 31K a day and asking it what progress I’ve done I know it sound silly but it helps more than what the in game counter does.

Plus it’s gives an ETA date too so it will take me 11 to 12 days

One of the worst top tier MBTs in the game and massively nerfed aircraft at top tier.

Its not how much we get, its that what we get takes 2 years+ to be playable

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Rename to F.3 AOP instead Tornado F.3 Late

And could add Tornado F3 FSP with battle rating to 13.7 or 14.0 before Typhoon DA2 or F.2

Decompressing battle rating to 14.0 and AIM-9L replace with IRIS-T but removed R-Darter from south african JAS39 Gripen C in the future

I understand you dude. It’s as fun as riding my Aussie Abrams and getting bombed by an Australian F-111C. Damn, it’s like playing in arcade mode. I don’t understand what Gaijin is trying to do by adding vehicles like these without any consideration (or they just don’t have a clue what they’re doing)

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What the devs say VS what you think

i know who is right on what sub trees are

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Absolutely not true, the fact that brimstone is a little lackluster doesnt mean its the end of the world.
Although i do understand that its pretty stupid. If it were to be Russia who was receiving the brimstones, nothting would have been changed.

Tanks… Look at the Ariete and leclercs… no armour and less pen then the challies…

All harriers are WAY too hot
BOL Doesnt work
missing loadout options
nerfed Tpods
placeholder parts galore
Brismtones are WAY more nerfed than just SAL only
and thats a few

Arietes are faster, better shell and better sustained fire rate
Leclercs are faster, better armour and better sustained fire rate


I have already complained that for a period of time, especially for long-range bombers, as Gaijin refused to add customer weapon options and add the reward multiply ratio for bombing bases, their reward has been reduced by over 50%, especially in AB

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Noone is saying Britain doesn’t get content, but as was succinctly summed up quite well by gent’s like Ixtav above, it’s the contradictions in snail logic and precedent, that causes the frustration amongst their playerbase.

When it was added last December, at the peak of multipath deck hug furball meta, sure. But we live in AMRAAM thunder now, and Gripen was dethroned by the eagles.


Espeically with BOL barely working as chaff at the moment

agreed but there are some exceptions that work well alone or with friends, like the B17Gs.
Had a blast when played with friends and some “HOW?” moments like when a 109 unloaded onto my friend from under 1km and somehow he got away with minor damage and a kill or when i went into a headone with a Ki 84 and he lost it (what a wonderful fire he catched) and i only lost 2gunners, my copilot and some minor damage to fuselage/wings.

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Challanger 3 TD has DM53 with 652 mm of pen.
Ariete AMV has DM53 and only 623 mm of pen and is 0.3 br higher.
Fire rate is only 1.3 seconds longer on Challenger.

Ariete has overall 200 mm less armour then all challengers.
Ariete goes only 6 km/h faster then the challengers, but the challenger 2E goes 7 km/h faster.

Leclerc frontal plate provides only 250 mm of kinetic shell protection. The chally 520 with the drivershatch being a weakspot with only 160-226 mm.
Although a faster reload, the turret of the leclerc provides almost no protection, with only 500-550 at the front but having 800 mm+ on the cheeks, unlike the chally with 700 mm of protection head-on.

Like… sexy? Or their engines being warm?

bug fixes.

Every nation has this… Some, more then Great Britain.

Every nation has this.
