Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion

The Tornado Gr.4 for Britain, ASSTA3 for Germany, and a later variant of some kind for Italy if there is one, would be nice. They could also be used as the first aircraft with IRIS-Ts and ASRAAMs to test how they’d perform in game.


Yep. Im of a similar opinion. Though I could see them coming first and those missile a little later. I think we are ready for the airframes but not quite ready for ASRAAMs and IRIS-Ts. But yes, No other airframe has the right combination of limiations for them.

The only questions that remain is

What the other nations?

0 chance those these 3 nations would get them first and alone.


What would something like ASRAAM look like in game?

Basically I’m thinking an AMRAAM with the pull of a magic II, shorter range and an Aim-9M seeker. Im really doubting it would have anywhere near IRL performance for a long time

Thats probably gonna be the case for a few nations going forward. There just isnt anytbing to add without more sub trees being added. I wouldn’t be suprised if lower BR air is then added on if thats even an option.

Germans had the Luftfaust-B.
Basically ww2 manpads. Gaijin addee it to Enlisted where it’s great against infantry 😅
Basically a 9 round burst of rockets.

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I actually think the Canadian F-18 will be in play to come after the Sea Harrier FA2 as a carrier based navy plane.

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Not sure if it was the RCAF or RAAF but one of these removed carrier ops equipment from their F/A-18’s. Also just because these were initially naval aircrafts doesnt mean they will get “naval fighter” designation in game (look F-4J (UK))

i will bet IF Britan gets an F/A 18 i bet it will be the RAAF hornet as it was made in Australia and the CF18 was made in USA and Australia

they wasted a good amount of resouces on the idea too

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The F-111C kinda set a precedent for Britain to get Aussie Hornets, but knowing Gaijin the British tree could get the CF-18 or something from India instead

Both Canada and Australia removed some carrier capabilities. The Australian ones kept more of it tho, only lacking the automatic landing system and a catapult attachment

hardly a naval aircraft then

I mean, neither of them were meant to be naval aircraft for their respective nations

Edit: I seem to have misremembered what modifications were made to which nations Hornets. The CF-18s have kept everything except for the automatic landing system (well, as far as I can tell anyways, as I so have access to any sources that are more reliable than Wikipedia and forums), the RAAF Hornets further lost their catapult attachments (nose tie bar) and later got dummies in their place (not quite sure what they are for tho).
The RAAF Super Hornets kept all equipment required for carrier operations however.

In the end it would be up to Gaijin if they’d give these Hornets a naval aircraft classification and let them take off from carriers or not.

Did it really? Gaijin has said many times that Australian (and Canadian) vehicles will go wherever Gaijin wants them to go.

I’m personally fine with britain getting it, don’t get me wrong. However I’m tired of people making up rules/precedents based on a single vehicle addition and then getting all upset when it doesn’t happen.

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That’s what I meant with the second part of the sentence. There is no guarantee that Britain is going to receive any Hornets and even if there are plans for Britain to receive Hornets in-game it could be either the Cf-18 or the RAAF F/A-18 or even both

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personally i think the UK will get the aussie hornet mainly because it carried the AIM-132 ASRAAM, which is a homegrown British missile, so it makes sense in my mind


I’ve got a feeling we aren’t getting any Hornets in the British tree to be honest. I can already feel the wave of Indian (Russian) planes approaching…

I’ve just found that MAS 441 has toilet modelled)

prob to balance the jet to its intended config

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Nono you dont get it Poland will be added to Germany as a subtree! They have Leopard 2PL


Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Jordan subtree for britain when?