Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion

The Hornet will most likely come to everyone British.

Let’s toss a Spanish one to Italy, while we’re at it.


Unless Gaijin confirms Spain as Italy third lol

Spain can count under minor Axis, as despite not joining the war, they were effectively a member.


If italy gets spain they get a ton of stuff, Gripen E, new centauro, and a leo 2a7 iirc not familiar with their less modern stuff outside the cool little M8 modifications

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Spanish Gripen Es ?

Italy already has the Spanish Centauro.

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Tbh Italy could of gotten Spain and Portugal the same way as France got the Benelux

They have the Cent 2 also

My bad, im thinking brazil, though its not unlikely Italy would get Brazil

Yeah my bad i was thinking brazil


Yeah Brazil has a ton of M8 configs they made


Hopefully some cold war stuff


Early versions of the Typhoon already qualify for the Gen 4+ moniker and the recent J-10A was noted by Gaijin themselves as being Gen 4+ as well. Not sure about the Rafale, but the early F-2 could also be argued as Gen 4+ as even with AESA it has some limitations compared to traditional PD radar sets.

Possibly, but you never know with Gaijin. It’s an interesting situation to be in where Gen 4.5 also has an early/mid/late distinction and most other nations I believe have more Gen 4.5s than say the US?

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Upgraded 15C and strike eagles could count as 4.5 gen, the block 70 vipers also, and there is also the whole advanced eagle series that belong in US tree.

There are lots of 4.5 gen for US so it isn’t much of an issue


It’s more that other nations have unique 4.5 gen airframes (EFT, Rafale), while the US mostly upgraded its 4th gen hardware to that standard.

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US skipped that step lol

Funny enough, the B2 is older than the j10a, gripen c, su27sm, j11a, and about the same age as the f16c and f4f ice, Japanese and Israeli f15. The f117 is older than every current top tier aircraft in game.

Super Hornet/Growler is about the only new airframe i can think of.

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True, there are Gen 4 upgrades to Gen 4.5.

Brazil has a lot of interesting vehicles, but it will probably go to Latin America TT or some joint TT with Spain and Portugal.
Spain can still go to Italy, but looking at how Gaijin just copypasted multiple Soviet vehicles used by Hungary, I doubt they have anything like this in mind. Maybe if using mostly unique vehicles from all subnations it would fit, but now I doubt we will get anything apart from Hungary and Romania (which is still in some shit position compared to Hungary considering we aren’t getting almost anything from them apart from 1 old SM.79B, few premiums and some skins) at least in the nearest future.

I just hope that if we dont get Typhoon. We get something more “advanced”. Would suck to get nothing but lower BR fillers for next year or 2 whilst US and USSR get back to back top tier fighters again. (there are certainly a few I want but not THAT many) It sucked watching that happen between 2019 and 2024.

Though that could be something like the Tornado Gr4 or Harrier Gr9A though (heck even the CF-18 could be an option there)