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Considering the believe “modified” stuff is not worth adding I have a feeling they’d call the Sherman Firefly C&P too.

Since Ranks I, II and III are literal and absolutely copy-paste, I think, if it were to be implemented, it should just be from Rank IV onwards, like Israel and just like China should have been too.

I’d wager most people wouldn’t be so interested in grinding for 3 Ranks worth of T-34s, Stuarts and Panzers that are already found in multiple ingame tech trees hahah.

That would be assuming they will ever be fixed.

The community has been fighting to fix the shell room fiasco since at least 2021 and Gaijin has actively refused to do anything about it…

People might be intersted in the unique combos available from such a line-up. Those existing nations couldnt run all 3 at once

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It’s not, actually. There’re multiple indigenous vehicles there, but even if there wasn’t, the air tree is almost entirely unique and modified vehicles at those tiers.

My tank fetishist ass automatically defaulted to Ground Battles and forgot about planes hahah, good point.

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It’s naval… Gaijin moves slower for those bug reports than they do for anything else. But point still stands.

US has 5x Rank VI

Japan has 6x Rank VI

Germany has 3x Rank VI

Britain, Italy and France have 2x Rank VI

(and for Britain in perticular, our last rank VI TT addition was 2 years ago. would be nice to have at least something new that wasnt a battle of Jutland era ship and come on, Its the Royal navy, we should easily have the largest TT at the moment)


If we’re talking about interesting Yugoslav vehicles have a gander at this:

An M15/42 hull with a Pz 38(t) turret.


The U.K situation is indecent indeed- just like Colorado, there’s no reason why U.K shouldn’t have had a WW2 Queen Elizabeth for a while now already.

And France, as well, should have got Normandie or Dunkerque a long ago too.

Regarding Italy… Gaijin is doing their best with them, but there’s just not too much to work with, hahah. It is too early for Littorio.

That being said, I don’t think it’s fair to judge trees by numbers.

Scharnhorst alone, for example, is worth more than all 5x American Rank VI ships combined.

And, in any case, there’s only 3 spawns per battle, so having 3x or 5x doesn’t make much of a difference apart from increasing the grind.


True… But going back to the original point. Britian and France at the very least should get new top tier ships for naval before anyone else. Italy as well if an option is available. Once at least Britain and France (and if possible italy) has gotten something. Then Germany, US and Japan could resume getting new things again. Just be nice for them to prioritise. I dont really want to be fighting things like Bismark and Yamato in the Hood whilst still waiting for a Queen Elizabeth class.

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It actually looks like a genuine and fitting product and NOT like a “frankenstein” tank, like many other “combo” tanks would look!

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The M15/42 and Pz 38(t) have similar proportions, so it makes sense that it’d turn out like that.


Aside from Scharnhorst, Iowa would be better than everything else by a decent margin. Not exactly what should be Americas next addition. North Carolina would be better, or South Dakota (1920) if you’d prefer a member of the USN Mahanian battle line from hell. (Assuming the barbette ammo storage and large caliber accuracy issues and crew placement issues are fixed )

Why not a Colorado for the US?

I realize a North Carolina would make more sense to keep up with the power creep Amagi brought to the table, but I think the Colorado is a pretty logical step too

Iirc turret was fixed

The Radpanzer 90’s was also, apparently, yet it’s in game.

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Yeah, right

as long as they fix the barbette thing is all i would care about, if iowa comes im grinding naval, its so good looking

i gotta give the SO-122 to you, but the m84 could easily come to USSR where it belongs considering its a heavily modified t72. there really isnt anywhere near as much unique stuff to warrant a whole new tree imo

I was just giving alternatives to Iowa. Colorado would be better, and I hope next update we can get Colorado, Nelson, and Nagato as a threeso- As a group, together, as they appeared in 194X, since they’re all contemporaries. It would also be the 4th(?) anniversary of New Power. Shame they refused to do it last time.
Would be really nice since aside from Alabama and one or two others, that would be pretty much every ship I’m interested in getting.

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