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I think that was victory day event

Mate, they still were part of the new event cycle


Ok then it is possible and I was wrong. The jagdpanther seems the most likely then. Stug4 wasn’t leaked and would probably just be in the tech tree

Some possibilities based on what we’ve seen before are:

The ancient alternate captured M4A2
The ancient Romanian Pz.35(t) *
The long-removed StuG IIIC
The long-removed StuG IIIG(late)
The long-removed StuG IV
The leaked Boxer IFV
The leaked Jagdpanther G2

( )

*( though I believe this more likely to appear in the Italian techtree now, if it comes at all )

We have more salient pieces of evidence for anti-radiation than that; the LD-10 and AGM-78 have been in the files, as have the static SAM complexes which were mentioned as being practical targets for such weapons when discussed in Q&A.


It would still be terrible if another boxer is event. Having 2 event boxers and not even one in the tree is stupid. It’s the main german light vehicle afterall

99.9% sure the Romanian Pz.35 would go to Italy if it was ever added

that for Italy

Not if it’s the Skyranger 30 version!

That depends if gaijin doesnt add skyranger for all the nations that ordered it.

Probably yes, but it 's been in files so long that it predates the Italian techtree, and is currently " placed " in the german one. Which eventually might not be relevant, but for the time being should not be forgotten either.

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depending on which skyranger variant it will be the main german anti air in the future.

It just doesn’t make sense to lock used (or future used) vehicles behind events if germany could get tons of prototypes as event vehicles.

A kf31, australian kf41 or something like that would be much better

inb4 KF51 Panther as the next event vehicle



Tbf gaijin has stated that if a nation has X number of vehicles they normally decide against adding nore to said bracket. So itaky has less options than most nations sonit makes sense to also add it for that reason

Ugly camo tank

It’s really dumb, the US has nothing to do with it, should we add the Firefly to the US tree now? Or all the Centurions to the UK tree? Etc etc


The US needed spaa more than britain did since they had gotten the Bosvark and the Yestervark. I mean its a fair trade and imo both nations had ties to each other so why not. Better to have this happen which could mean gaijin may look at fixing gatekeeping certain vehicles from nations. Maybe ill see the 9.0 merkava on Isreal where we need one ect ect.

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I hope gajin add AGM-45 Shrike and AGM-122A Sidearm in the future 🙏

If only the Bosvark wasn’t at the same BR as the Skink and the Ystervark at the same BR as the Crusader AA Mk II

While this may mean ARM being added within the next year, I would not again that, the SD-10 is based off PL-12s and SARMs based off surface-launched standards, both present in-game. Gaijin would make these copies of the existant missiles naturally to save effort later on, when dedicated ARM such as Kh-31P(although the Kh-25MP based off the Kh-25 would already be available), ALARM or HARM comes to the game, they dont need to go back and copy the model again(albeit not a lot of work).

I hope not