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Long behold that when the benelux ground gets added there is a prem 2A4NL.
At least the strv 121b has those weird ass smoke dischargers.

I thought the Netherlands only have 2A6s

Edit: I’m silly, apparently they were the biggest customer for Leopards out there, having operated 2A4s, 2A5s and 2A6s

I think you’ll find Sea Slug Mk2 was modified to that end. Though, I am in the process of acquiring some literature, and to avoid duplicate work I know someone is actively working on Type 82 (I’m helping on it)

(Don’t even go there, it hurts me in so many ways)

I take issue with Seacat unless it’s GWS.24 (the automatically targetting and engaging version) because jesus christ that thing sucks.

But yes, the falklands were full of… “interesting” modifications to missiles. There are accounts of Blowpipe, Sea Dart, Sea Wolf, and Sea Slug all being used as anti surface weapons, or being modified such that they could be employed in this way.

The first few destroyed leopard in Ukraine was 2A6NLs too, instead of the ones Germany operated

In war thunder the 2A6NL was already representes in the game as A6 FIN, which was the case.

I wonder is there a naval-oriented discord for gathering research and literatures? I am trying to gather info on a few nations ships as well

And whose vehicle would that be? Also, I don’t think another country will have those in the mean time, if ever

Israel recently expressed interest in participating in Romanian MBT procurement trials

Errr, not a general one put it that way - there’s some various “nation” discords I know of but a Naval one I wouldn’t know.

I don’t know for USA, and even if they are not in great shape they are in better shape than some others nations x)

Wich would be sad because of the already leaked 2 leopards, when Belgium have probably near a dozen of cool vehicles that are not copy past.

And i hate them for that, perfect example that they don’t care about us when they can do that for almost every other nations.

Multiple M1 Abrams premium, multiple Leopards, multiple T-xx, but none Leclercs when we have 7 variants from proto to S1 possible to add… I hate them.

Gaijin : We are no longer gonna do unique events vehicles.

Players : Ahhhh sick that means unique stuff for the tech trees.

Gaijin :


(Adds two C&P Dutch Sea Hawk and Fury)


One cool things would be from BeNeLux to mainly add premium/event stuff to the Ground TT, and keep the TT free for the shiton of domestic stuff still possible to add on wich Gaijin sleep since years.

I’m happy that the CV is a squadron, don’t take a place in the TT for a copy past, specially when we have similar stuff domesticaly made to add (now Gaijin just have to addd them)

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Yea that stuff make sense as you said it leaves room for stuff meant for the tech tree.

Now it’s getting towards the case of well if your just keep adding more Benelux things to France then what was wrong adding them as a nation in the first place ?

Perhaps because it’s a too much melting pot of stuff from country already ingame?

Once again i found the whole BeNeLux as one add for one country bad, Lux add nothing, Be is cool for France since they use more and more our tactics and stuff, and they have original stuff domestic, Ne should have be for Germany (and Swiss for France, or at least i hope to see the Franco-Swiss stuff to come for us but saddly its agaisnt gaijin law on subTT so i just hope they never come ingame)

Then scrap the unrealistic goal of trying to add every single thing that ever existed.
We need a rework of how the sub trees work with the main tree as your never gonna reach that goal.

I wish they start to do that for France ground and air (specially early jet and our still absent superprops) xD

Specially on subTT that have tech from multiple main country.

SubTT should not be limited to one country, that’s the main problem i think with them. They should help stopping gap, not killing the originality of some TT.

(sorry dunno how to edit a text and add more quotes)

Everyone will have bias and that will kill war thunder and it’s already being beaten to death with Russian stuff.

Like if their point about not adding new nations is so people don’t grind the stuff over and over again.
Then what the point in adding subs as since SA we only really had one unique thing.

The French tree does need to be boosted with awesome British stuff 😜

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