Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion

I vote naval focused with new top tier BBs and Submarines :P


I know U.S just got Tennessee, but…

Since it adds nothing new and solves none of the issues Arizona and Nevada has had this whole time…

I am hoping for a North Carolina / South Dakota already, lmao.

As I also play Germany, Bismarck / Tirpitz would also be welcome, even if they would only further destroy Naval balance… but somehow I find these more likely to be coming than an actually functional American Battleship lmao.

Also hope U.K gets a WW2 Queen Elizabeth and France gets a Dunkerque.

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I hope… UK and France this update, with maybe Italy. And then Germany, japan and US can leapfrog ahead again in Decemeber.

What Im expecting is Bismark, NC/SC and yamato this update and then maybe a WW2 Refit QE Decemeber.

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I really want modern Battleships to arrive to the game… for two reasons:

1: Because I love them.
2: Because maybe, when there are enough of them, Top Tier can be properly decompressed so that WW1 Dreadnoughts aren’t just 0.3-0.7 BRs below WW2 BBs.

I really would like for the Jutland heroes to be able to face each other in peace without Scharnhorsts and Mutsus shredding them like toy boats.

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Yeah, that would be nice too.

Beyond a new top tier BB. Im also really hoping we get some more good light cruisers like HMS Fiji and HMCS Ontario. They are long overdue and perhaps some cold war stuff like a Type 21 or Type 42 to add some SAMs to the British tree.

Its been too long since Britian or really any nation come to think of it, got some decent love in the Destroyer/cruiser department

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Hey calm down, some country are not even on the level of the Scharnorst !

I really don’t want to Germany (and perhaps Russia and others too) getting the next step if we just gonna have soon the step we lack to fight them now (and it’s not even sure).

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I know, but this is what I expect from Gaijin lmao.

They added Hyuga in 2020, Scharnhorst in 2021… both with literally zero counterparts…

And what have they done after that?

Add Bayern, Baden and Sachsen in a row to support Scharnhorst;

And then, proceed to add Fuso, Haruna, Kongo… and, if all of that wasn’t enough, Mutsu and Amagi in a row as well; both with 25 second reloading 410mm guns.

They clearly have a bias towards Germany and Japan when it comes to Top Tier bluewater.

Hence, I believe it is far more likely that they will give Germany a Bismarck-class before they give anyone else even a proper Scharnhorst counter. Because that’s what they’ve been doing all these years. Zero regard for balance; only keeping Germany and Japan above everyone else…

Just look at what they keep doing with America; keep giving them slightly different flavours of the same 43 second reload BB with artificial insta-death barbette shell room weakspots; and if that wasn’t enough, Tennessee is sitting 1.5m too high so that all the ammo, including magazines, are even more exposed, just to make sure it’s as vulnerable as possible.

And what’s even funnier is that the 3rd best nation and only one capable of keeping up with them is, of all nations… Russia, lmao.


That’s my worst nightmare.

It would be disgusting from them, but not surprising.

Yeah, have to keep a “major nation” always among the top on each TTs even if that mean rewriting history, nothing strange here too…


Where are the fake leaks?

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There you go

Screenshot 2024-09-23 032403


It would be pretty much expected from them actually)

Imo we won’t get BeNeLux ground focused update, maybe just a few vehicles here and there (like c&p Leopards for example), ground focused update in general idk either, probably the focus of the update will be top tier jets as they are always now XD. I bet that the name of the update and at least the main part of the trailer will be about certain American new toy (and Swiss most likely).
They could also start filling the massive props gap in the Hungarian (/Romanian in a dream) line.

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how broken would a gulf war refit iowa class be.

i think it would just barely be an acceptable counter to the scharnhorst /s

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The Harpoons and Tomahawks would all miss like all ASMs/Guided weapons vs naval targets do.

The Phalanx CIWS would be highly effective vs air targets, but not that much more than the very accurate SPAA we already have, but perhaps better long range accuracy when manually aimed.

But it does loose a lot of its secondary guns, so will be less effective in defending against destroyers.


Porbably better off with the original version :P


sadly true lol


The majority of people that know anything about what they’re saying are saying that the IRIS-T and ASRAAM are better than the AIM-9X, not that the disparity will be so large that America will need something better.

I would love to finally have another ground focused update, but I don’t think benelux ground would be a large reason for that.

Benelux ground will likely be 3-5 vehicles, maybe 6 max.


In general I think the reason you don’t see ground focused updates is because ground has caught up mostly to modern time (heck Japan just got an IFV that isn’t even in production yet!!). Meanwhile air is lagging behind though we’re steadily catching up. Once we hit Gen 4.5s we’re at a point that most nations get their modern aircraft and then it’ll be more balanced.


I could go for some of those too.
Someone screenshot some discord lists of shit that won’t come.

Clean your HMIs monthly, your monitors Quartarly and undust your PC twice a year

if you stick to that schedule you’ll notice stuff like that quick enough

also, different topic, how far into the Schedule are we?

As long as they are added in one line so i can plough through just that as much as possible.

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