Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion

No. No new independent tech trees until they find a way to have all existing ones be competitive.

They could have gone the route of having certain holes and gaps be part of the “experience” for each nation, but they chose to go with subtrees instead and until Japan and Israel have ones to fill their holes and gaps entirely new tech trees shouldn’t even be considered.

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I mean it’s pretty clear they want to add sub nations first like


Dont forget britain, 4 sub tts down, 52 to go :P

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I meant for nations that haven’t had them yet lol. But getting geared up to be getting one

Ah right, then probably the soviets will get something to give them Gripens and F-16s soon :P

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Also, flagged off topic :P


You need a gif for that one lol

Ooh, thats not a bad idea :D


Gaijin should just add a UN tech tree in the game to be honest. Every vehicle from every country. Wouldn’t have people arguing about sub trees then


Thanks to the addition of Thailand’s F-5E FCU under the Japanese TT, looks pretty clear Gaijin will continue to add more Thailand vehicles and joining the Japan TT. Truly looking forward to it!

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What about the nations that aren’t in the UN tho?

Waiting for the US mains to claim the “UN Sub TT” as its based in New York :D


Simple, they become sub trees

“Erm actually the US should have every aircraft in game because the US suffers and there’s clear French bias, how come my AMRAAMs can’t pull 26288363Gs like the MICA can?”

A hyperbole (barely) of what that want.

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I cant wait for the “WHy cant the F-16 beat the Tpyhoon” or “Why is Aim-9x so much worse than IRSI-T and ASRAAM” threads :D


Su-57 in US tech tree because of the UN Security Council when?

We can have the pope throwing holy hand grenades from his popemobile thingy for the Vatican TT

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Yeah, I wanna see the pope with a Javelin shooting out the back of the Pope Mobile.

Or add infantry and building insides so we can get this


Just imagine driving your T-80 and get killed by the Pope with Simon Cowell as his spotter and calling in artillery strikes on the capture zone below.


Pl-15s too OP we need an F-18 with 20 AIM-174Bs to counter one