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If only man if only…


I just can’t think people still don’t know what subs are even after our 7th and on the verge of getting our 8th.


To be fair, iirc that was introduced before the SA sub tree was even a thing.

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Yup, the Class 3 (p) was part of the Operation Winter 2020 event.
3 months later South Africa became a subtree for Britain.

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Could still add the olifant hybrid… a man can dream…

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its not a hybrid, it is just a Bismarck

I meant multiple nations as a subtree for both, like BeNeLux.

So Japan gets their “western” SEA nations like Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand, and China gets a combined subtree of closely related nations like Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar.


And yet the Chinese thinks any tank made by then should only be exclusive to China


They will use everything for a Chinese tank to not go into Japan


Some people cant accept the fact that if you sell something then you cant claim it as yours anymore.


wdym the turret is completely different from the Class 3p igname…

Yeah, I don’t like that reasoning by them at all, especially when we look at how other nations exported vehicles are also spread across trees, even some Japanese captured ones in the Chinese tree.

Their “but WWII Japan” argument also often comes across as pretty ignorant to me in particular when looking at especially Czech Praga in the USSR tree. And there it’s actually Czech under USSR, while in this case it wouldn’t even be Chinese, but Thai, only Chinese designed.

Then again I am more upset that they are making it such a huge deal and try to put it like it’d be some kind of crime to add these. I probably wouldn’t care if they didn’t say anything and just didn’t add them, since it’s not actually a lot of affected vehicles and all have multiple alternatives that aren’t Chinese but can fill their roles.


Yea like my Great grandad fought against the Japanese in Burma and was even captured luckily he survived. But that won’t stop me playing Japan though.

Chad granddad

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That changed recently after air superiority, we now want more nations mains to play the VT4 and realize how bad it is instead of thinking it is decent.
Scrolling through reddit there are tons of posts who praised the attributes of Chinese top tier compared to both soviet and western designs, I doubt they had much experience. On the other hand, they have marvelous handling, and they are great to drive around.

I mean it’s not that good, but it’s at least far from the worst 11.7. The Ariete, Merkava and CR2 BN/CR3 still beat it to that title.

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I would rank CR2BN as the worst design, followed by C1 AMV, Merk 4M, VT4/WZ, CR2E and CR3.

Edit: somehow besides merkavas these are the only top tier MBTs I have ever touched

VT4/MBT2000 is probably the easiest top tier MBT to one shot. If you shoot near the mantlet then you can easily one shot it.

So whats going on today?