Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

without a bomber rework? that thing wont make it to a bombing target…

oh for sure. but i meant officially… since the snail doesnt like leaks :wink:

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it was a weight sim. non fuctional. gaijin would have known that if they went to koblenz and asked the curator.
best course of action would be for gaijin to replace the Rad90 with the TH400


bold of you to assume we won’t stay here

4 weeks ain’t that much

what the hell is that?

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We need more votes if we want to change something!

even with a million votes for this you won’t get gaijin to change their plans

this game isn’t a democracy


No, but we can still hope!

Any chance this issue can be passed on?
The pilot head height in the A-10C on the Dev Server was wrong when in cockpit view, it was brought up during the Dev Server but is still an issue with it after the update. It also affects both A-10A models and has since they were released. When in the cockpit view the camera is set in the pilot models chin. This gives you much less visibility of the HUD and ground targets. Currently you can’t use the bomb CCIP/CCRP because you cannot see where your bombs are going to land or the target.

These two reports were made 2 years ago and 1 year ago respectively for the A-10A and nothing has come of it.


Community Bug Reporting System

Community Bug Reporting System

This also isn’t limited to just the A-10’s this affects lot’s of aircraft. It seems like the camera is centred on the middle of the HUD regardless of the height the pilot’s head is positioned. Instead of looking straight at the middle of the HUD you should be looking down slightly at an angle. This again makes a lot of aircraft in Sim pretty hard to use specifically strike aircraft since you can’t see what you are bombing.
Here’s a another bug report I found highlighting the issue as a whole. It was made and acknowledged 6 months ago but nothing further has happened with it.


Community Bug Reporting System


I mostly hope Maus will be available for research again in late october/early november for the anniversary

this looks like photoshop lol

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conveniently ignoring that its the exact same for germany

I mean 1-2 vehicles per update is pretty standard I feel, even for major nations. Sometimes a nation just jumpes out and get 3-4 (excluding new trees/sub trees), but that isn’t exclusive to major nations either.

EDIT: but my perception might be a bit skewed because I don’t play naval and thus don’t really look at rltheir new additions.

yeah, its because he conveniently ignores premium /squadrons etc, else the number would jump up higher

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The matter of viewpoint being too high has already been forwarded and acknowledged. So it is under review. We can take look at indivial aircraft reports in the meantime. However they are / will be largely duplicated by the report that covers the topic more generally.

It’s not “convenient”, it’s only natural that people want a balanced amount of researchable and unlockable vehicles actually accessible to everyone and not locked behind paywalls.

I don’t even know what you guys are talking about, I just woke up and didn’t see the thread yet- but whatever is the subject matter, that’s how I feel about new additions xD.


That’s because a TT vehicle is a standardisation - a vehicle that can be obtained by playing the game as intended.
A squadron vehicle requires external factors towards obtaining the vehicle, thus not making it a standardised vehicle.
Premiums, Squadron, Event and Battlepass vehicles CANNOT be obtained through playing the game as intended, they require money and in the case of Squadron vehicles - an active squadron, thus making them unobtainable for the majority of players.

Nations like Japan need more TT vehicles to boost the overall TT performance.
At Top tier ground they might be pretty good, but just like their naval (in this game) - they are only good at the top br’s - forgetting the br’s under them.


The only squadron I’m in was set up for the sole purpose of obtaining Squadron Vehicles. I’m surprised there aren’t more like that.

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There are tonnes that are in squadrons like that, it’s just that there are tonnes more that aren’t.

people can make their own squadron as well to grind them out. I’m in a squad that is really for grinding squad vehicles and the one previously was the same. once a squad isnt as active i find a new one and have little issue doing so.