Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion

Tho in trade the US gets the skink…
" Recently, we’ve seen requests for new SPAA additions to the US ground forces tree at the lower to mid ranks. If all goes to plan and nothing prevents us, in the next major update, the devs will start to remedy this situation by adding a new, domestic SPAA for the US (more information on this one will be revealed closer to the next major) as well as the addition of the Canadian Skink."

I really want the Leopard 2a6m Can (I want it bc it looks badass with that cages :P) where should it go? UK or Germany? Probably a event vehicle? Or squadron one



Thanks to the new CM Covert Disclosures post, we can now add a LOT more to our current rumors about the coming update:

New rank VI ships for UK, Italy, Germany, and France, confirmed by Smin
New tutorials for Ground Vehicles, including SAMs, confirmed by Smin
A new domestic SPAA for the USA as well as the Skink, confirmed by Smin
Premium Ram II for UK, confirmed by Smin
New Test Flight features for aircraft, confirmed by Smin
HE fuze control in battle, confirmed by Smin
New missile sight for Naval battles and new Naval prediction markers, confirmed by Smin
LERX vapor on aircraft, confirmed by Smin

Anti-radiation missiles, hinted by Gaijin video team
SEAD game mode/mission type, datamined
F/A-18, datamined last update
Boxer, datamined last update
OSA, datamined last update
Soviet KV-1 variant, datamined last update
CTWV ICV, datamined last update
JH-7 premium, datamined last update
Benelux ground, possible based on previous additions
Thai air or ground, possible based on previous additions
Submarines, many related datamines and additions recently.

Edit: reformatted list for clear distinction between confirmed and speculative content


It should go to Germany

aw man that means the CTWV ICV is japans next thing for the new patch and not something new…

Also for the future, maybe not the next update, MFD screens are getting worked on which will be a massive improvement for Sim

Event, Germany with how Gaijin has been treating the Anglosphere dommions.

As much as Canadians like myself would rather it in the UK tree for a Canadian line-up. It won’t happen. Unless we get like and pull what is happening with the Ram II and Skink and add it to both.

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“Let the wars begin”…

What war is there to be fought? The Mexas and 2A4M CAN both are in the German tree.



Hello my online friends - i have returned from the depths of the banned abyss.

What did i miss?

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Next event vehicle is confirmed to be a german ground vehicle


My bets are on the StuG IV or the Jagdpanther G2 from the datamines/leaks

i hope its going to be the jagdpanther G2… since the stug IV was promised to be when the germany ground forces update got devblogged.


And i also dont want a unique frame to be limited edition.


Not necessarily.

Just because it’s in the files doesn’t mean its coming to the game in the next update. It’s a possibility, not a certainty.

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Not for JP?

I think Japan have enough Rank VI for now. (from memory they have the most? Sorry if mistake)

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Before the launch of the last update, Smin posted that there would be a new rank VI ship for each nation over the next two updates. Since that included Dance of Dragons, which had new Rank VI ships for Japan, USSR, and USA, we can say with confidence that the next update will include ships for UK, Germany, Italy, and France.

Can’t wait for them to add a Scharnorst bis, and add what is already food for Scharnorst to others…