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Anyone else had some troubles with HEAT-FS not fuzing on thinly armoured vehicles?

The Brits are too good

I believe its a copy of the export hunter, same should be found on sweden. And once more another similar thing happens with the Vampire. The british uses the goblin II engine vs the finnish/swedish hunters being the export which use goblin III. Better engine but the same br as the british. Does it warrent a br increase meh? I have both and only sorta notice it but maybe thats cause im a vampire fan. All in all its more likely just TT compression.

It’s not the same as the swedish hunter, no.
It’s straight up better.

Is it? I my bad then, still swedish hunter has 9b’s and i guess without the better engine.

It’s I believe an F.5 vs the french F.6
The difference isn’t as major as with the F.1 vs F.6 though.
Edit: the swedes got an F.4, need to correct myself.

Alright thanks

Cockpit (HUD), Raport II system: RWR and no CCIP/CCRP, countermeasures, hook to land with arrestor wire.

Engine was also slightly different, but in game I don’t think they managed to model that. (And the plane was partially built by Belgian SABCA).

also has a PD radar rangefinder


( )

Won;t be long now.


Or could be, just like with the A-4M (((((((((((


womp womp

Did some one say new nations? Lol

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*cough * Visgerad *cough *

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Would explain why Hungary only has 5 unique vehicles spread through the TT (excluding event/premiums).

But i really do not want to get more eastern block nations… They will most likely get 75% C&P with T-serie tanks.
Which i’m really am tired of playing at this point… Since, Hungary, Finland, China, Russia, Israël and India.

Also @Smin1080p
When will we see Dutch-, Belgique- and Luxembourgish; medals, titles, voicelines and decals?

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Don’t have to play it if you don’t want too and calling it mostly C&P is a bit hurtful considering the amount of nations would be involved in the tree.

Sweden but on steroids

And what about Hungary then?

In Italy and shall remain in Italy.

The tree would most likely have Czechoslovakia as the main nation, Poland as the main sub and ether Bulgaria, Yugo or Ukraine would be the 3rd.

Though I won’t be surprised if they were to pick Ukraine as a premium filler.

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Like, i wouldnt mind VISEGRAD, as long as they keep it unique and don’t add those easy C&P T-serie tanks from the russians.

Same goes for the BMP chassis. All unique BMP variants, but not the main USSR variant - played it to much through all TT’s these days.

And as long it can have a naval, stealth-fighters, submarine and dronewarfare to be future proof.


I mean it’s mainly what they used as they were a puppet state of Russia.

The only real states that was allowed to keep their factories ect were the Czechs and the Yugos.