Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion

Thats if it ever gets accepted and also probably not, gaijin doesnt re add event vehicles from nations to the sub tree nations. Raam Segol isnt the same as the merk 3D, iirc different turret armor value making it slightly worse. So we may see the Fokker D.XXI on benelux and i wouldn’t be suprised if the reason they didnt add it to benelux would be because they want finland air to have something unique lol

There was another leaked KV-1 for the Fins 1941 or 2 I think

Again its the KV-1C armor wise but with the zis 5 gun probably 4.7 so no lineup on the nordic tree so kinda pointless to uptier a bunch of really mid vehicles. Looking at all of you (swedish TD’s, not you lvkv 42, thats your only purpose.)

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Don’t bother with Alvis. They think the Finish T-34(I think it was the T-34) not having outside full tanks makes it unique.

Like it’s not even a change that alters the vehicle itself bar taking off stuff that was just bolted to the side.

Like if it was a track or radio change I’d understand as that requires some modifications to the vehicle but just taking off the stuff loosely attached to the outside of the vehicle is not at all.

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They literally didnt try with the finnish TT its why i thought they learned their lesson with Hungary when the ground came with a bunch of unique tanks but the air makes me sad. Though they gave a bu ch of diversity to air.

Also i know he cant hold his claim because hes delusional about how many unique vehicles they added to finland. Also the t55m is not 8.7 worthy imo when i have the t55 am 1 which is grossly strong lol, its a real monster


This thing is gross at 6.7 back to back nukes for my first 4 matches.

It wasn’t in the teaser bc it wasn’t ready in time for it; there were plans to add it all along. Just like the " missing " CM pods on the tornado 's a few updates later.

Bangladesh is buying Eurofighter.

Boom, uptier to 7.7
And even ther it’s omega fine still

I remember mike saying they didnt have plans for it on stream but i may be wrong. Regardless finland was a poor attempt of a TT in terms of trying to add anything unique

All my matches were 7.7 they are freakin awesome. My friend said france doesnt have any good vehicles and ive just been doing great. My arl im going 12 and 72. My ebr is 11 and 41, they just are very solid.

Since when

potential costumer since 2021 with a initialy only a EUROFIGHTER thyphoon’s interest , recently plans have increased and chaged and seem to include EUROFIGHTER thyphoon’s and dassault rafale mixture now

Shame Columbus only specifies aviation and not ground too :(

I would like some more love for Japanese Top Tier, like an VT4. That way I wouldn’t need to grind a full tech tree from scratch to get a taste of Chinese MBTs as well hahahah.

For a while actually. Recently Italy offered its Eurofighters and a deal is said to be signed next year.
France did try to sell Rafale but our government preferred Eurofighter. Funniest thing is that our government asked for the technology transfer of Rafale XD.
We are currently opting for a Eurofighter and J10 combination.

France subTT !

Auld alliance !


im still waiting on the british rover wombat

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oh no