Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Damn, that’s crazy.

They need to add BVR tutorials

Ngl when I wake up I think im gonna end up refreshing the WT YT channel all day

Then lower the altitude of when multipathing effects each missiles respectively

Yes make Monopulse seekers worth a damn

(Maybe the skyflash would finally get its then :p)

For the next update to be truly balanced (assuming all missiles are modeled correctly) this is the list I believe: Predictions for Upcoming Fox-3s (AIM-120C)

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Things like notching only work when you’re only getting fired at from one direction. This game is way too much of a clusterfuck for that. Sim would stay the same but realistic air would be horrible, you’d never be able to get close enough to use guns or ir missiles cause there’d be way too many radar missiles being fired all the damn time. If the enemy team is 12 players, let’s say 5 f16c’s and 7 f15c’s (which isn’t an unlikely composition) that’s up to 86 arh missiles. There are planes all the way up to 12.3 that don’t even get sarh missiles that would just be completely unplayable.

Good morning everone, we must begin the summoning ritual for the FA.2 today

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


Agreed, but if its on larger maps (operations) and its a 6v6 it will be fine

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Well that is kinda the point though, but I understand what you mean but you also have to consider not everyone will use these missles properly which would be almost necessary at that point

But nonetheless I completely understand where youre coming from

Exactly, bigger maps less people, but we aren’t getting that we’re getting the option to turn on occasional 12v12’s on the same maps

They need to add maps with more diverse terrain. Afghanistan is perfect for BVR moving to close range.

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Bring back Korea and make it big enough to be EC


I agree, but with the current maps and current team sizes we need the exaggerated multipathing

A shame to be completely honest.

I just truly hope the AIM-120B/C and R-77-1 come this update

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It’s not too bad. Imagine how lopsided top tier would be if r27er’s weren’t effected by multipathing.

Well Sparrows would actually be properlly good as well (even more so if they had their actual G pull)

Naw they’re still slower and still randomly make left turns out of nowhere