Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

how many likes have you used?

Use of actual tactics to dodge missiles, ie correct use of chaff, radar modes and counterlaunches or even proper use of terrain alongside a reduction in total players in a match from 16v16 to 8v8 for FOX-3 BRs and 10v10 for late FOX-1 BRs, ie for example for FOX-3 that could be from 13.0+ and Late FOX-1 from 10.3-12.7 .

Not the tragic attempt at FOX-1 & early FOX-3 combat we have ingame where due to multipathing being so tragically modeled and missiles generally not being That well modeled its just a hug the ground and mob the first guy who isnt hugging the ground or paying attention meta.

If your having 2+ FOX-3 or Late FOX-1 missiles launched at you from different angles within 10km youve clearly been outplayed or mispositioned yourself. Sure theyre are ranges where they are “undodgable”, notably 10km or less for proper FOX-3s like the R-77 or AMRAAM, but this is closer to a 90% or > Hit probability than true undodgable like a R-73 or AIM-9L/M launched within 1km

if you think the F-20 wouldnt be another case of what the F5E then you either unaware of how the F5E and subsequently how what is a super F5E would perform or just on so much copium your going no no it wont be OP trust.

Yes ! Hehe

I can feel it
SSBN and nuke for naval games

because it’s missing

  • a gun
  • CMs
  • Manouverability

and therefore it has

  • up to 4 Super heavy 1960s SARH/IR missiles that get outperformed by R-23 in every aspect except warhead size
  • Mediocre PD radar
  • up to 4 R-60s because R-40 were too bad

controversial points:

  • some sources claim they mounted R-23/24 and R-73 very late into the MiG-25s life cycle but I’ve found nothing yet that proves that
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pd=/=first production 25

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guided torpedoes :D

Young!? As an Australian that is currently living in the time of 9:38pm, I am greatly offended.

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what is this

ehm… ok?

@someweirdname ok im wrong it still doesnt have a gun lole

ur right, any 25 isnt good

but 31s would be

It’s a joke, when game designer Dmitry wrote that the Swedes are his favorite nation, that’s how it went. That he personally monitors and supports them.)))


Also IJN Mikuma and its famous Z flag

Can we expect dovbleg today?

you forgot the Maiale and Barchino esplosivo

No denials yet

Most importantly, CBT of Chinese naval, i can feel it badly

Fact of the mater is all the radar missiles and IR missiles in the game can be defeated with a little knowledge…but most people are to Lazy to learn how, or even look up a YouTube video! Sad -_- In my opinion the lower tier aircraft are “boring”…to each their own.

Smin literally confirmed it