Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Due to smin now curled up in a corner after seeing EAP posting, it will be delayed to 2025

That’s a conservative estimate.

2027 mosr likely

You’re getting there.

no delayed to 3024

There we go.

Another day with no mention of MiG-25/31 in the next patch.


I really hope future patches don’t just stick to “boring” planes like Su-27 F-15 MiG-29 F-16. I prefer stuff like MiG-25 or other non-meta planes.

People complain AIM-54 isn’t good or whatever, but I don’t care. I don’t want more meta missiles with almost 0 counterplay.

I read people here arguing that the ground clutter should be fixed so we can watch every match devolve into impossible to dodge missiles slamming everyone instantly.

I just don’t want this. I rather have a plane which can only climb and slings dodgable missiles and can barely dogfight. That should be the meta, not JAS39…

To tie this back to the rumours, F-20 is fine to me because at least it’s dogfighting and not like JAS39 which ruins the game by just having all the strong things at their almost strongest, it’s no fun.

I hope no AIM-120 on the F-20 and I hope multipathing isn’t fixed because goodness gracious.

I mean I get it but at least MiG-25PD can only be a B-Grade Premium at best

no im arguing that there should be actual skill involved in missile combat and top tier air RB not what it is now where its just hope nobody notices you sling 6+ missiles off at the enemy team.

If you think they’re undodgable then its just a skill issue.

…whyd it be a premium

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Good. I want it.

How does that look?

Right. I’m going to notch 2+ AIM-120/R-27ER/AIM-7M/SUPERTEMP from different directions within like 8km or whatever. Look, you can kinetically dodge 25g or so, some of the time. But now we’re going to be getting 30g+

I’mma take a guess that there’s no devblog for today

There still time unless @Smin1080p would be kind enough to crush our hopes


After the EAP spam? )))



“wait for news” hes gonna say

Isn’t there still plenty of time for a dovbleg today?

The wha ? Lol

There is. The day is young.



I ran out of likes rrrreeee