Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Which Su-35 ? :P Either way, not at all. Su-27SM3 at best (imo).

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Also how long do you guys recon it will be until we get teaser trailer and dev streams? (I never know cus I rarely pay attention lmao)

Idk man, for me atleast planes seem to be the more interesting addition

The teaser was leaked to be on the 29th

Maybe we get teaser on this thursday (idk Mat said that)

I mean tbh ground is the same thing since 10.0, nothing rlly changes, you still have APFSDS, same vehicle variants and such and whatever they may add the meta cant change so much like in air

dont trust mat

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5-6 days


Idk man i just take a quick look while i am eating or something

2/29 preview and 3/12 update version

Remember guys the last teaser came out on a Wednesday

it came after around 7 days since the first devblog right? so that could happen now too

Or steal things from here and doesn’t even make his own scripts.

Ask @theKEY for more info

I mean the teaser usually came after the biggest stuff was announced, the only jet that wasn’t announced was the flanker i think idk exactly

nothing crazy what i mean

Where the heck did you get this info?

Can you imagine when the F15e comes and a squad of F15’s will destroy the battle field and then the GRB enjoyers will come and cope on the forum XD

usually thats how its been for the last 3 years ~45 vehicles


Nvm forgot about the russian bias